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I step into the ring and lock eyes with Ace, knowing it's the last time I will be sparring against him.

The cheers and hollering around the ring slowly fade as Ace and I finish warming up and officially start the match. I faintly hear Asher yell the word, fight and don't even waste a second to attack.

I close the gap between us in a single second and land an uppercut hit using my right hand, and Ace receives the hit head-on as he is surprised by my sudden speed and attack. Okay, good. I can win this.

"Hold up, hold up, hold UP," Ace exclaims as he massages his jaw.

"Bro, what the hell did you teach her? Ace exclaims as he stares into my eyes, monitoring my every move.

"I didn't actually. Alex got faster and developed amazing reflexes from the training regimen she has been following and also training with the wooden dummy. I just thought of special moves that enhanced her amazing speed and reflexes and trained her. She is just warming up," Carter says, and I can practically hear him smirking.

"This is going to be fun," Ace smirks, making a come-on motion with his right hand while wiping the sweat using his left.

This time, I take a step back and let him attack as a way of trying to decipher his next move. If being best friends with this idiot has taught me anything, I know he is unpredictable. So, if I can predict his next move, I can somewhat predict 'the Dons' too.

Knowing I am allowing him to land the next hit, Ace moves two steps forward in a zig-zag manner to throw me off and uses his left hand to hook me, making me lift my right hand in defence.

In the blink of an eye, Ace rotates his left leg and uses his right leg to kick me in the face. I am just a second faster and use my hand to protect my face, giving Ace the perfect opportunity to kick me on my stomach, which is what he does as he brings his leg lower and firmly kicks me on the left side of my waist, hitting the bone strong enough to make me lose balance.

I somehow balance myself from falling and taking this opportunity, Ace covers the distance between us and kicks the back of my knee, successfully making me fall.

Before Ace lands any hit on me, I roll away, get up in a split second and move a safe distance from him. I have to play safe for now.

Ace runs closer to me and launches a left hook, and using my right hand, I block his attack and use enough force to push his hand away so I can use my left hand to punch him in the stomach.

I successfully land the hit and immediately try to left-hook him, but he ducks down and avoids my attack, making me step back.

Ace slightly rotates his right foot to find a good balance, and I know what's coming next is his special move. He named it the Acettack, which I think is hilarious.

Ace lifts his left leg to kick me, and in hopes of avoiding it, I duck down, but in the last second, instead of kicking me with his left foot, he switches stance, rotates his forward foot by 180 degrees and lands a solid spin hook kick straight on my face.

I fall on my back and get up before he can win this match by landing a crucial hit. I have to win this match in the next attack, or else it will be hard for me to win.

Using my newfound speed, I step forward and land a solid hit on his stomach with my right foot. Ace staggers, allowing me to kick his right side, and on cue, Ace holds my feet, making me smirk.

I put my right hand down and let my body fall while holding the back of his knee with my left and sliding my other leg between his legs, bringing my leg around his back and to the front and locking it with my captured foot.

Ace's body involuntarily twists, and he falls while his right foot and hand are locked with mine, making him scream and tap his arms, signalling that he has given up.

I let go of him and lay still, panting. Wow, it has been so long since I felt this good after winning the match. I turn to the side and see Carter clapping with a proud smile.

I look up and see Ace offering me his hand. I take it, and he helps me up and embraces me.

"I am so proud of you," He whispers.

I hug him back, laying my head on his chest. I can hear his heartbeat slowing down from the adrenaline leaving his body.

Someone yanks me away, and I look up to see Carter glaring at Ace.

"Hey, she is mine, so stop hugging her unnecessarily,"

"Bro, she is like a sister to me. Plus, I am dating your cousin. You can't tell me that I can't hug my sister," Ace argues.

"Ace is the next strongest after 'The Don'," Blue says, entering the ring.

"I am both impressed, scared and excited to fight you in the rink,"

"That is three things," Cameron says, making me look at her.

"How long have you been here?" I ask, surprised.

"My boyfriend invited me saying he would beat the mighty Alex, but it's nice to see his ego take a fatal hit," Cameron laughs.

"Cammmmmmm. You are supposed to be on my side," Ace whines, running to hug her, and she runs away, yelling at him to shower first. We all start laughing as the couple runs around the gym.

"Alex, you are finally ready," Asher smiles, high-fiving me.

"Thank you so much for everything, Coach," I smile back.

"August, Alexis. You both are ready for the competition. I don't want to see both of you before Saturday, the first day of the competition. If I do, I will ban you both from competing. Take plenty of rest, and don't forget to exercise and stretch your body. Eat good food, and stay in good health. I will see you in the ring,"

"Yes, Coach,"

"So, movie night?" Carter asks, hugging me from behind.

"Sounds good," Ace yells from the other room, making us laugh.


So, I am so sorry for uploading so late. Thank you so much for waiting for this update and for reading my book. Vote and leave a comment. Jesus loves you.

Love 😍

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