chapter 7 A Mysterious Lead Unveiled

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Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts as Alex drove back to the station. She had finally confronted Dominic, and although he hadn't confessed to the murder, she could sense his guilt. She knew she was getting closer to the truth, but there were still pieces of the puzzle missing.

Back at her desk, she poured over the evidence board once more, trying to make sense of everything. The image of Sarah's face flashed in her mind, a constant reminder of the justice she sought for the young woman.

Just then, her phone buzzed. It was a call from the coroner's office. They had new information about the toxicology report from Sarah's autopsy.

Rushing to the coroner's office, Alex was met by Dr. Patel, the chief medical examiner. He led her to his office and handed her a file.

"We found something unusual in Sarah's toxicology report," Dr. Patel said, his brow furrowed. "There were traces of a rare and highly toxic plant in her system, but there was also another substance present."

Alex's interest was piqued. "What substance?"

Dr. Patel hesitated before speaking. "It's a synthetic compound, similar to a date rape drug. It's highly potent and can cause memory loss and disorientation."

Alex's mind raced. The pieces were starting to come together. "So, Sarah was drugged before she was poisoned?"

Dr. Patel nodded. "It seems that way. The combination of the drug and the toxic plant would have made her vulnerable and disoriented, possibly unable to defend herself."

As Alex left the coroner's office, she felt a surge of determination. She now had a clearer picture of what had happened to Sarah on the day of her murder. But she still needed to find concrete evidence to tie Dominic to the crime.

She decided to pay another visit to Mark, hoping he might have more information that could help her case. When she arrived at the cabin, she found Mark packing a bag.

"Mark, where are you going?" Alex asked, surprised by his sudden departure.

Mark looked at her with a mix of fear and resignation. "I can't stay here. Dominic's men have been looking for me. They know I talked to you."

Alex's heart sank. She knew she had put Mark in danger by involving him in the investigation. "I'm sorry, Mark. I'll do everything I can to keep you safe."

Mark nodded, but his eyes betrayed his fear. "I told you what I knew because it was the right thing to do. But I can't stay here anymore."

As Mark left, Alex felt a heavy weight on her shoulders. She had put an innocent man in harm's way, and she was no closer to bringing Sarah's killer to justice.

Back at the station, she poured over the case files once more, searching for any overlooked detail that could lead her to the breakthrough she desperately needed.

Just then, a knock on her door interrupted her thoughts. It was Jack, his expression grave.

"Alex, we have a problem," Jack said, his voice tense. "Dominic's men have been asking around about you. They know you're getting close to the truth."

Alex's heart raced. She knew she was treading on dangerous ground, but she couldn't back down now. She was determined to see this through to the end, no matter the risks.

As the sun set outside the station, Alex made a decision. She would confront Dominic once more, this time with a plan to bring him to justice, no matter the cost. She knew the road ahead would be treacherous, but she was ready to face whatever challenges lay in her path. The truth was within her reach, and she was determined to unravel the mystery of Sarah Monroe's murder once and for all.

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