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Sometimes everything comes to mind, and many things happen by coincidence.

  Qin Suyun was worried that something might happen to the village because of the heavy snow.

  Later that night, coal was stolen from someone's house in the village!

  The next day, early in the morning, it was still snowing outside. Not long after Qin Suyun got up and was making breakfast, a harsh sound of yelling and cursing suddenly came from outside the courtyard door.

  "Which dirty bastard?! How dare you steal our coal! You don't have any firewood anymore. Why don't you go up the mountain to chop it down?! There are trees all over the mountain, but you still have to steal the coal we just bought? !Such a black-hearted bastard should have been killed by the falling house during the earthquake! So as not to harm other people! What's wrong with stealing something blindly!? He even stole it into our house! ?Do you really think that I, Jiang Hongmei, have no one at home?! You rotten-hearted bitch, come out! Come out!" Accompanied by fierce shouts and curses, there were waves of fierce door slams. Crash.The big iron door outside the courtyard was knocked loudly.

  "Woof woof!——"

  "Woof woof woof!——"

  There was a loud knock on the door, and Xiaoqi and the others at home couldn't sit still anymore. They all ran into the yard and faced the door where someone knocked loudly, barking fiercely. Li made a low threatening sound and raised his tail high.

  The barking of eight or nine wolf dogs seemed to startle the people outside the door, and for a moment, the curse words they originally intended were choked in their throats.

  The surroundings were quiet for a moment. It was at this time that Qin Suyun and He Zhennan walked out of the house and walked into the courtyard. Qin Suyun heard a somewhat familiar voice outside the courtyard door.

  "Aunt Jiang, let me tell you, let's forget it... You see, people have so many dogs at home. If those dogs go crazy and bite you, Uncle Tian will die of grief? Now your family You two are the only ones at home. Your two sons are working out of town and haven't come back yet. What if something happens to you two? What should you do to your family's big treasures? Just a few loads of coal, what do you want me to say? , or forget it." The somewhat familiar voice next to him stood at the side and advised earnestly.

 "No! I absolutely can't compromise like this! Stealing is stealing! How can such a person steal in our village?! Doesn't that ruin the reputation of other people in our village? Who will be willing to marry someone in our village in the future? What?! People like this, among other things, must be driven out of our Wanxi Village! This is the rule that the old village chief and the others left behind!" Aunt Jiang glared and immediately shook her head in rejection.

  As early as several village chiefs ago, their village had set rules, but no one in their Wanxi Village could do any illegal activities. Once discovered, the whole family would be expelled from their Wanxi Village!

  So for so many years, there have been people in Wanxi Village who have been so poor that they can't even afford treatment, but no one has ever done these sneaky things.

  Although their village is poor, everyone is so poor that they have dignity!

  Aunt Jiang was thinking this in her mind, and the expression on her face became more serious. The anger in her heart was rising. Looking at the heavy iron door in front of her, Aunt Jiang wanted to step forward and knock on the door again. However, This time my hand didn't touch the big iron gate.

  The heavy iron door creaked and was opened from the inside.

  Qin Suyun was wearing a thick down jacket with a cooking bib on the outside, and he appeared directly in front of everyone.

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