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The Small Universe of the Apocalypse - Reading Volume 25

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The Small Universe of the End of the World Author: Peach Blossom for Wine 13

-part volume reading 25

A piece of flesh and blood was torn off his back, but he didn't notice it at all.

Ye Qingrang was in pain, staggered a few steps and fell to the ground. The wounds on his body gradually increased, and his vision was blurred by sweat mixed with blood. He gasped desperately, not only unwilling to die, but also clearly aware of the fate he was about to face.

There was a violent thunder in his ears, and Ye Qingrang felt a pain in his arm. He was lifted up vigorously and thrown onto a hard and warm back. The person carrying him ran quickly, accompanied by thunder from time to time.

He didn't know how long he ran, but Ye Qingrang felt that all the bones in his body were about to fall apart. He lost a lot of blood and turned pale. Finally, he waited until the man stopped. Ye Qingrang was put down and lay on an unexpectedly soft bed. The man tried to pry open his mouth and feed him something to eat. Unfortunately, he was in a daze, his lips were tightly closed, and he couldn't breathe much.

The man's tactics became rough and he forcibly opened Ye Qingrang's mouth, pushed a pill into his throat with his fingers, and forced him to swallow it. Ye Qingrang smelled a bitter smell in a daze, and vomited repeatedly due to conditioned reflex. He spit out the half-dissolved pills, but he barely woke up.

Ye Qingrang felt that this person had placed him in a room. Now, except for those in the safe area, the house was now ownerless. Xu Ziqing tried his best to look at the person who saved him, and was shocked when he saw the person's livid face. It was not that he knew this person well, but that this person had a reputation for being evil. Even in this apocalypse, he was still... He Chengshuang, known as the murderer!

Ye Qingrang had only met him twice, but it was hard to forget. The first time was three months after the outbreak of the apocalypse, when third-level zombies were discovered for the first time in X City. The safe zone issued a mission with a heavy bounty for the third-level zombie crystal core. Qing Rang and a group of people participated. Of course, the final crystal core fell into the hands of this murderous maniac. At that time, he was a second-level peak superpower, and he was also ranked among the top domestic masters. It was not Ye Qing Rang who had just broken through the second level. People of the same rank are comparable.

In the end, the third-level zombies failed to frighten these superpower users. On the contrary, He Chengshuang's ferocious and cunning attack methods, fearless fighting style, and violent disregard of the thunder-type superpowers of the humans present, challenged him by transcending levels. Shengsheng dug the crystal core out of the zombie's head, and then ignored everyone in the safe zone. He ignored everyone and absorbed the crystal core on the spot, upgraded it to a third-level superpower, and walked away, shocking the surviving people. When the safe zone learned of the news, it was ignored in the end.

The second time I met him was more than five months after the end of the world. In the safe zone, He Chengshuang also had a team. Although he was arrogant, his third-level powers attracted many people with powers who took refuge. That day, it was one person who wanted to leave the team and join a large team that also had third-level superpowers.

This matter is nothing in the apocalypse. It is just like the employees before the apocalypse who want to change jobs. Why not. But He Chengshuang went crazy, beat the man to a pulp with one palm, and cursed coldly: "When you joined my team, I told you that you cannot leave unless you die. Since you want to die, I might as well help you!" "

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