Chapter 8:Hanging Out(2)

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Sorry for not feeding you for 2 months pookies😔 But after so long, My motivation is finally back! Happy that I got a 95 as my average grade haha. Anyway, have some food. Do not worry, I will not disappear again as I quite missed writing

On another note, I changed my writing style again and I will stay with this one. I want to write in a more descriptive way. Hopefully, it will get more descriptive as I continue to write.

Following Cale's disastrous class, the two Henituse decided to take a break and sat down to eat lunch since it was already noon. They proceeded to the dining room and settled down for their meal. Initially, it was only the two of them, as The Count appeared to be preoccupied with his work, and the Countess was hosting a tea party with other noble ladies from various households. However, to their surprise, the Prince arrived at the dining room as well, adding to the company.

"It's good that I went looking for you here first, or else I would've missed lunch with you, Cale," Alberu approached the table with a bright smile on his face, grateful that he had decided to look for Cale in that particular location. Otherwise, he would have missed out on sharing lunch with him. The servants were busy filling the table with delicious food, and Basen and the other servants in the room immediately bowed down to show their respect to the Prince. However, Alberu simply waved it off and nodded politely. He then took a seat next to Cale, who was already seated, while Basen sat on the other side of the table. The table was now fully set, and the aroma of the sumptuous meal wafted through the air, making Alberu's mouth water in anticipation.

The table was quickly adorned with an array of delectable dishes, each one more substantial and filling than the light breakfast fare. Cale couldn't help but feel his lips curling upward in a small smile at the sight of so much delicious food in front of him. The expression on Alberu's face was one of astonishment; Cale's smiles were a rare occurrence, and the fact that the mere sight of food had brought one to his face was a peculiar thing indeed.

As they sat down to eat, the atmosphere was lively, with everyone engaging in light-hearted conversation about trivial things. Surprisingly, this was what made the meal fun, allowing them to learn more about each other without any hint of awkwardness or tension. This was in contrast to Cale's breakfast, which was nice but lacked the same level of enjoyment. Fortunately, Basen and Alberu seemed to share their opinion, and the meal ended too quickly. However, with no more pressing matters to attend to, they had the chance to spend more time together and hang out.

After completing their meal, Alberu and Basen trailed behind the redhead as they were keen on spending more time with him. The trio left the dining room, their footsteps echoing against the polished floor as they made their way down the hallway. With the redhead leading the way, they strolled through the castle's corridors, admiring the paintings and tapestries that adorned the walls. The air was filled with the sound of their chatter, as they exchanged stories and jokes, enjoying each other's company. "Is there anything you will be doing, Hyung?" The brunette asked Cale. The Henituse heir nodded with a little hum. "I'll be enjoying my peaceful slacking time for a few hours. There's still some time before we have tea." Cale said, a smile forming on his face at the mere thought of slacking.

"Hm, we'll join you then. I promise I will not cause a disturbance and you can just enjoy your 'slacking time.' .. although I doubt that you'll use it." The blonde's face lit up with a smile as she spoke. His companion noticed that she mumbled the last sentence under his breath, but he couldn't make out what he said. He let out a chuckle as if he had just thought of something amusing. He wondered what was so funny. Perhaps it was the thought of Cale being forced to work hard instead of slacking off because he was keeping Basen company. He had a feeling that the redhead would never admit to such a thing, though.

The smile that the redhead wore stiffened, and the mere thought of being unable to enjoy his time as a slacker, almost had him in tears. Today was one of the rare times when he could rest and away from his duties as an heir. He was looking forward to this moment for days! Yet this bastard crown prince wants to disturb his peacetime. The corner of Cale's mouth was twitching in annoyance, the very thought of the golden-haired boy starting a conversation with no regard for what, the recipient of the talk, was feeling about the constant expatiation of the prince. And worst of all, he cannot do anything about it as Alberu was the Prince and would be the future ruler of the kingdom.

Being exhausted from thinking, Cale subconsciously sighed for the nth time this week. Being in the presence of the prince sure was draining. It looks like he had no choice but to accept it because if he refused, the Prince would continuously annoy him. Cale learned from past experiences and in his opinion, it was atrocious, he would rather not endure another one of those acts of his. In all seriousness, Cale swore to never forget this day and make sure that Alberu would pay for getting in the way of his date with slacker Life-chan! He shall never be forgiven, although, Basen will as he was just dragged into the blonde's absurd ideas.

The group fell silent as the redhead let out a tired sigh. Cale, with a resigned tone, conveyed his opinion on the matter with a wave of hand, "Do what you want." It was evident that he did not care much about what the other two decided to do. Even though their decision to follow him might have bothered him, he accepted it without much of a fight. Admittedly, the cause of such a reaction was because he was drained. Cale did not want to exert energy on such a simple matter. In fact, it is something that he can pay no heed to. He can just overlook their presence and enjoy a moment of slacking, it is a simple thing to do as he has experience in ignoring things.

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