Chapter 13C

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At the slightly open space where Madam Saqui was gracefully dancing on the rope high above the air, skimming the top of some of the shorter trees, Garrett stood close to Mrs Brookfield's back while Shearing flanked Miss Marlowe. He couldn't decide if this arrangement was advantageous or disadvantageous to him. On one hand, he did seem to be losing ground to Shearing with regards to Miss Marlowe's attentions and affections. It didn't escape his notice the proprietary way Shearing was hovering about her, or the way her head would shift almost imperceptibly in his direction ever so often for just a heartbeat too long, as if she were peeking at him surreptitiously. Some he'd notice and he'd send an affection look her way, to which she'd quickly turn away from. Some he wouldn't, his attentions occupied by the performance in front of him and her head will remained in that direction for more heartbeats than Garrett liked before returning to the face the front.

Garrett didn't like it yet he couldn't seem to muster up any real jealousy. If Miss Marlowe were to ultimately spurn his proposal and shower affections upon Shearing instead, he would hardly seethe about the matter. It would be a loss but it was no great forfeiture. There were other young ladies from good families whom he could pay court to and propose marriage to. Surely he'd be able to find someone he could enjoy some level of friendship and comfort with.

His gaze flitted to Mrs Brookfield. Yet he wouldn't trade his position with Shearing for all the riches in the world. His nostrils were teased by the faint blush of rose and he could feel a heaviness grow between his legs. From his position, her jawline, slender neck and pretty collarbones were illuminated in the setting sun. The deep valley created by her bosom stared back at him while the pretty mounds of the top of her breasts taunted him in the dancing light and shadows.

He tore his eyes away, cursing himself internally as he fixed his eyes upon the sky at Madam Saqui's moving figure. She was so far high up, it was difficult to see her, if not for the fading sunlight. He glanced down again when he felt Mrs Brookfield shift. He stared at her blonde curls that were simply adorned with some flowers and two blue tiny headbands that crisscrossed over her head.

Lost in the fantasy of removing her hair ornaments and having all that spun gold in his hands which must be soft as a feather to his touch, he didn't realise she was looking up at him until he saw her shrewd emerald green eyes come into focus.

Blinking, he cleared his throat and looked down at his feet. He noted that the bottom of her dress was brushing the tip of his boots. He frowned. Had they always been standing this close or had he moved forward without his knowledge?

"My lord?"

"Hmm?" He dragged his eyes away and back to her glittering ones, desire hot in her own. But it was gone the next moment and he was unsure if he'd imagined that look.

"The performance is over. Julia here would like to take a tour of the rest of Vauxhall. If you could be so kind as to be our guide...?"

"Yes. Of course. Certainly." He winced inwardly. Seeing that Miss Marlowe had already paired herself up with Shearing, holding his elbow as escort, it left him with Mrs Brookfield. He held out his arm gallantly, and when she took it hesitantly, a perverse part of him took her hand and looped it firmly through the crook of his elbow, bringing her flush against his side. Ignoring the scowl she sent his way, he smiled at the other pair. "Shall we? Can I recommend the Cascade, Miss Marlowe? It is an artificial waterfall and will be quite the treat for the eyes."

"That sounds wonderful, my lord!" Garrett enjoyed the obvious pleasure and anticipation playing across her features the way an indulgent father would his daughter.

"I know of the place as well," Shearing jumped in. "Shall I lead the way?"

"Thank you, Mr Shearing," He noted the pretty smile directed at her walking partner, who seemed to grow taller and his chest bigger as if he'd puffed it out. Garrett barely resisted rolling his eyes at the man's obvious preening.

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