Chapter Five

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"You can't stay mad at me forever, Li." Carson said to the back of the ginger's head.

"Trouble in paradise?" Emmalee asked Carson, her arm slung over her shoulder.

"What do you want, Emmalee?" Carson asked, ignoring the way her heart jumped at the touch.

She took in the blonde-haired girl and watched her brown eyes flash something.

"I just want to make sure you're okay. The Ray kids are bad news. I saw Dalton writing a hit list." She smirked at Carson's open-mouthed state and flounced away.

Everything about why Emmalee was a bad person came back to Carson. She remembered the way Emmalee laughed as her friends cut Ryen's hair. How Emmalee seemed to hate the idea of being seen with a girl like her. She couldn't understand it.

God, why did she have to make everything about Emmalee? She was happy with Lila, right?

"I can't believe her," Carson heard Lila telling Ryen. Both girls had silent angry tears falling down their cheeks. "She put us both on the list for no reason."

Carson made eye contact with Dalton and he put a protective arm out to the other girls. She saw him whisper something and they left.

Why did I tell her?, She thought to herself, Everything was going so well.

Everything is still okay, she kept telling herself that. And things were looking up when she saw Lila waiting by her truck, without her posse.

"Hey," Lila said, her eyes wandering Carson's face. "You haven't exactly been nice to us."

Carson looked down at the ground and back up to her girlfriend's face.

"But, Dalton and Ryen are willing to let it slide, if you promise us you won't do something like that again. I had to be questioned on my name and favorite flowers for over three hours. I was ready to kill myself."

Carson didn't say anything, but she felt the shame creeping in again. She took Lila's hands in her own and she gave each of them a kiss.

"Don't worry, Lila." She said, "I will never do something like that again."

Lila nodded and started to go around her girlfriend, but Carson pulled the tall girl into a bone crushing hug. She resolved to never let go of her girlfriend, not allowing her to walk away from her again.

"I have to get going," Lila smiled at the short girl. "I'm going to be late for my meeting with Dalton."

"You have a meeting with your brother?" Carson asked, her head cocked to the side.

"Yeah, the psycho we live with likes to call them meetings instead of talks," She laughed. "And before you ask, I need to talk to Dalton to let him know that we don't hate you anymore."

Carson laughed and watched her girlfriend walk away. She wasn't alone for more than five minutes before she got a call from the police department.

"Is there a reason you called me at school?" She barked at the officer at the desk.

"The school day is over, my daughter goes there." He said and stuck his hand out. "Detective Lynn, Jamie Lynn's father."

Carson saw red as soon as he mentioned his name. She knew what Jamie did to Ryen, and she wasn't excited to work with her father.

"Carson Zaine." She smiled. "Pleased to meet you, sir."

Detective Lynn nodded and led her to yet another meeting room. "We are taking precautions, in case the killer is one of us."

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