Chapter 67

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I breathed a sigh of relief early Sunday morning when I saw the familiar shape of Xav lying on the dirt path, waiting for me with his eyes closed.

His ears twitched when he heard me coming towards him, but he didn't move another muscle or looked at me while I made my way towards him. He didn't even flick his tail in greeting, and I couldn't help but wonder if he was mad at me or if he was only dozing, enjoying the cool ground underneath his fur.

"Xav?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper while I stopped a few feet away from him, my heart pounding harder in my chest. "Are you ok? Are you mad at me?"

Xav didn't say a word. He took a deep breath before he let it out and opened his eyes and slowly blinked, lifting his head.

I rubbed my hands together nervously and bit the inside of my lips before I shifted on my feet and cleared my throat. "Well, are you?" I asked, and he snorted and closed his eyes while he laid his head on his paws.

He wasn't mad, but he was tired.

I furrowed my brows and frowned, not liking the fact that he was tired. "Why are you tired, Xav? What happened? Did you not get enough sleep?"

Xav didn't respond but beckoned me closer to him, and I instantly went to his side. He wagged his tail in greeting finally before I breathed a sigh of relief.

I sat down and buried myself against his side, leaning my head on his back. "Where is BryBry?" I asked, and Xav groaned in annoyance, and I couldn't help but grin amused.

He said that he was at home, and Xav wanted to be alone with me.

I bit back a small chuckle before I nodded and then grew serious. "Did you stay here a lot yesterday?" I asked, concerned.

He shrugged and said that he didn't; he knew that I wasn't going to be home at all that day, and I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in question.

"How did you know that I wasn't going to be here at all?" I asked, and Xav stilled slightly before he opened his eyes and looked at me.

He looked guilty before he whined and closed his eyes. He didn't say a word, but I could tell that he didn't want me to question him further.

I pursed my lips in annoyance but sighed and ceded while I slowly nodded. "Fine," I grumbled. "I won't push you, but I hope you know that I don't like it."

Xav chuckled softly and nuzzled my shoulder, and I smiled a little and closed my eyes.

"I was with my group for most of the day," I said randomly. "However, my mother wanted to go shopping beforehand." I wrinkled my nose and pursed my lips in annoyance. "I didn't like it."

He chuckled again and flicked his tail while he waited for me to continue.

"I met Bryson's dad yesterday, though," I said, and my cheeks turned slightly red while my heart skipped a beat. "He was handsome."

Xav opened his eyes and looked at me. He wondered what I thought about Bryson's dad and if I liked him.

I sighed and moved a hand through his fur, the sparks appearing at the base of my fingertips. "I liked him," I admitted, "and I think my mom does too. She kept trying to push me on him."

Xav snorted and closed his eyes again.

"I don't know why, but that is what she was trying to do." I sighed and moved a hand across my face before I shook my head. "He's closed off though, and for some reason I don't like it."

I paused and shook my head again while I sighed again. "I think he is scared of me finding something and doesn't want me to be afraid of him."

Xav whined and asked if I would be afraid of him, and I wrinkled my nose and shook my head.

The Reincarnated (Book 2A of Wolfcreek Series)Where stories live. Discover now