first date jitters

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i want to preface by saying
that i know wp or hq is not
as popular as it was before but
tbh idc HAHA i love writing
in general so it's fun that this
is my little secret creative side
that no one irl rly knows ;)

love you guys !!!

sorry for being inactive too:,(
just started college and it's
a quarter system so it sucks

also is it just me but i imagine
real guys when it comes to hq ff?
like i don't imagine it in an
anime world but like in our
world LMFAO


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aug 12th

the nerves were still hitting
you. how couldn't it? miya
atsumu is literally outside of
your apartment door and you
are just looking at him through
the tiny window thingy.

you can tell he looked really
nervous as well. he had an
awkward tight-lipped smile
while waiting outside.

once you realized you
were staring at him through
the tiny window thing, your eyes
widened at the fact that he
was waiting for like 3 mins now.

with that realization, you hastily
put on a smile and opened the door.

don't wanna sound cringey or
anything but that boy smiled the
second the door hinge creaked.

atsumu felt taken aback the
second he saw you standing
in front of him.

ew, cringe!!!!

"wow y/n."

"you look really good."

your brows furrowed at
his sincerity and gave him
a lopsided smile.

you also slapped him
on the shoulder.

lazy texter . miya atsumu! ✓Where stories live. Discover now