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"Take a seat," Mr Ackerman snapped and pointed aggressively towards the seat across from him where he sat.

I obeyed him, pretending that I wasn't about to shit myself in fear.


"Ummm uhhh...." Fuck my mind's gone blank.

My eyes accidentally left his face and I found myself staring at his biceps (it happens sometimes I can't help it okay).

You could see them through his suit. I had a sudden urge to squish them between my fingers.

He raised an eyebrow.

Death is a blessing I would like to have bestowed upon me right now.

"Name I said!" He repeated, harshly.

"It's Y/N L/N, sir." I snapped back to attention.

Just chill, I got this.


He gave me a funny look then typed stuff on his computer and whistled.

"Wow, you've got a pretty good track record for someone who's only been here for just over a year." He turned to look at me. I sat up a little straighter in my seat.

His eyes narrowed.

"L/N. You know I've fired people for speaking out of turn in a meeting?" I gulped. "Now, I don't like being interrupted and I originally brought you up here to personally give you a form of termination." I tried not to fall out of my seat from fear. "But after looking at your track record, I think it'll be a waste to fire such great potential." I breathed out the air I didn't even realise I was holding in and silently thanked myself for my good work ethic.

Hahaha, this sure has been some morning.

"Thank y-," I started to say.

"With that being said," he interrupted, leaning forward in his seat to smirk. "I think some punishment is due."

Images of him hitting me followed by a rush of warmth to my lower stomach made me decide that I needed serious mental help.

"I understand, sir. I will accept any form of discipline as appropriate retribution for my behaviour earlier." I said, solemnly, nervously fiddling with my fingers. "May I ask what it is?"

He looked at me smugly.

This can't be good.

10 minutes later I trudged back to my office where I was handed a card upon entering. It read:

Dear Y/N,

It's been a pleasure having you work with us for the past year. We wish you the very best moving forward. Feel welcome to visit us anytime!

Kindest regards,

Followed by everyone's signatures.

I was silent for a few moments before I finally understood.

"Guys...I haven't been fired..." I said trying not to laugh.

"Huh?" Everyone gasped.

"Are you sure?" One person said.

"But how did you not get fired?" Another remarked in awe.

"I had a friend who was fired for leaving a crumb on the floor after eating a sandwich..."

"That's nothing. I knew someone who..."

The chatters of surprise continued for a while before I managed to get a word in.

Levi x Reader Fanfic "What It's Like To Work for You"  (Mature content warning)Where stories live. Discover now