Chapter twenty-one

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The big day finally arrived, the day that everyone was waiting for.

Everyone except for her.

She felt tired, and quite nauseous. She didn't even sleep at all.

And maybe because t was a Monday that she thought she could go to school and avoid the match. But no, she was the most important member of the newspaper club, Oikawa's Toruu sister, how was she going to miss the most important match?!

So there she was, pale as a ghost. Waiting for the players to appear while feeling her fifth mental breakdown start.

The place was full of people, not only the schools' students, but outsiders. Kids, adults, even old people were excited to see the match between two powerhouses; and how not when the great Ushijima Wakatoshi was against no one else but, Oikawa Toruu.

She was looking at the floor, trying some breathing exercises she saw on a yoga book the other day, when she heard girly screams full of excitement.

Her brother had arrived.

She lifted her view to see all the Aoba team enter, Oikawa on front. His smile was confident, even charismatic, the type that any girl would faint over.

She couldn't help but roll her eyes at the way his grin expanded, soaking in the attention like he was born for it.

But moments later Shiratorizawa made their entrance, the screams faded into the background, replaced by the cheers of the school.

Ushijima, as the head, entered with his brows slightly furrowed, his gaze strong and determined. Unlike Oikawa, he paid no heed to the loud praise and ovation. His cold and distant eyes scanned the surroundings as if searching for something—someone.

The moment their eyes met, his gaze softened. A peculiar sight for anyone else, but now familiar to her. In that silent exchange, he saw her nervousness and gave her a subtle nod. A nod that conveyed tranquility and assurance.

Everything was going to be fine.


When she entered her house, she made her best to avoid making any sound.

The lights were off, nearly no daylight anymore. The house felt cold, but not empty.

As she took her shoes off, she saw her brothers sport bag and shoes on the entrance.

She knew he was already there. And she knew he was completely destroyed.

She was happy for her boyfriend, she truly was. His hard work and great talent paid off and he was going to nationals once again. She wished she could celebrate it as he deserved, but she couldn't, her heart wasn't going to allow it when her brother was in that much pain.

She stood on front of his door for minutes, staring at the white's doorknob with hesitation. Trying to come up with something, some type of excuse that would explain whatever she was doing.

She shook her thoughts off her head, and with a final heavy breath. She gently opened the door.

Inside, the room felt heavy with the weight of disappointment. Oikawa sat on the edge of his bed, his head hung low, hands gripping the edge of the mattress. She hesitated in the doorway, unsure how to continue with the complexity of their emotions.

"Toruu..." She spoke softly, trying to offer comfort without intruding too much.

Oikawa's tired eyes met hers, and for a moment, words were unnecessary. They shared a silent understanding, a connection that surpassed the need for elaborate explanations. The bond of siblings who knew each other too well.

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