042 the babysitter

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"Graves needs you," Tolliver disclosed, "They've found them." Ariadne snapped her book shut, following Tolliver as he brought her back to the auror office. It was bustling with wizards rushing around, preparing for a mission to capture Newt and Tina. In the midst of the chaos, Ariadne found Graves.

"I want them captured. By any means possible." He glanced sternly at Ariadne before she left to follow the pair of aurors. The whisk of apparition took her across the city into a large bar. Mayhem followed as the crowd inside started apparating away, escaping as the aurors started rounding up the criminals, forcing them on their. Ariadne's eyes darted around, ignoring the chaos as she found Tina's eyes.

And then it clicked. She wanted to be running with them, rather than listening to those in power. She wanted to do what was right, even if it meant ruining everything. Even if it meant never coming back to her homeland. Maybe she could smuggle herself back home but right now, she wanted to help them, not the aurors here. Dumbledore would just have to understand that this was more important to her.

"Take me with you," she uttered lowly as Tina pointed her wand at her. "Please." With a nod, Tina grabbed Queenie and held her hand out for Ariadne. Before the aurors could get to them, they apparate away.

On the other side of New York, Ariadne wrapped her arms around the taller witch, "I'm so glad you escaped," she hugged Tina tightly as she smiled down at her. "I'm sorry. I couldn't do anything against Graves."

"It's okay."

"I'm glad you're alive too, Newt," Ariadne stepped out of Tina's embrace and smiled at Newt, receiving a small smile back.

"Uh, guys?" Jacob called out, watching as a handbag floated off a mannequin dressed in expensive clothing. Inside a large department store, they hid behind Christmas decorations, watching as the invisible creature trotted down the enormous room, past wooden tables filled with perfume and other accessories.

"So Demiguises are fundamentally peaceful, but they can give a nasty nip if provoked," Newt whispered, his eyes trained on the creature who revealed itself. Climbing up a shelf filled with small presents, silver hair covered its body as it reached for sweets in a glass bowl. "You three head that way," Ariadne followed after Jacob and Queenie, her steps quiet. "And try very hard not to be predictable," the three glanced at each other, confused before nodding.

Newt and Tina went the other way as the group carefully approached the Demiguise. Once it turned around and saw Newt, it scurried off. A small knowing smile appeared on Newt's face as he let out a soft chuckle.

"Its sight operates on probability, so it can foresee the most likely immediate future," Newt explained in a whisper, stepping sideways as he cautiously made his way towards the Demiguise who was sorting through its bag. The attic that they now entered was filled with shelves of boxes. China glassware of plates, cups and wooden crates filled the vast dark room.

"What's it doing?" Tina asked, slowly stalking towards the creature.

"It's babysitting."

"What did you just say?" Ariadne inquired, making sure her steps were soundless.

"This is my fault. I thought I had them all, but uh, I must have miscounted," Newt gently set his case down behind the Demiguise.

"It was babysitting that?" Tina gasped, watching with wide eyes as a massive blue creature slowly moved into the light. Its scales reflected off the moonlight and it slowly moved down to accept the Demiguise's offer. Tina let out a smile as she watched the pair.

"Occamies are choranaptyxic. So they grow to fill available space," Newt stood motionless, waiting for the Occamy to approach him carefully. "Mummy's here," he said, raising his hand. Queenie took a step closer, captivated by the creature's beauty and accidentally knocked a Christmas bauble towards Newt. As the Demiguise ran to Jacob, the Occamy screeched. "Woah!" As its serpent body began to twist and turn, the Occamy backed away from Newt, knocking him with its wings. Tina pushed Ariadne out of the way as a shelf filled with cutlery was knocked down.

"Right we need an insect, any kind of insect and a teapot," Newt requested urgently, holding on to dear life as he crawled to the top of the Occamy's head, "Find a teapot!"

As it grew larger, the creature smashed the roof open. Tina and Ariadne were both on their stomachs as the Occamy's wing swung at them, however their gazes were drawn to cockroaches moving on the floor. With Newt's direction in mind, they started reaching out, hoping to catch one as the insect dashed away. On the other side of the room, Queenie and Jacob dodged upcoming items that were whacked away.

"Teapot!" Tina yelled out just as Jacob caught a cockroach. The Occamy started to fill the room, what little space provided was starting to suffocate the others. Both Jacob and Queenie were held up against the body of the creature while Ariadne and Tina had found a small space of freedom. There was a moment of stillness as the Occamy hungrily stared at the cockroach in Jacob's hand. The purring of the Occamy could be heard over the silence of the room.

"Roach in teapot," Newt urged and Jacob let out a nervous sound.

"Shh," Jacob coaxed, stroking the Occamy's scales before looking at Tina, who held the teapot out. The Occamy followed the motion of the cockroach before Jacob threw it at Tina. Knowing that the insect wasn't going to make it, Tina ran towards it, her gaze fixed on the cockroach as the Occamy moved to follow. Its body released both Jacob and Queenie as Tina caught the cockroach in the teapot. Her body still as she watched the creature fly up before diving down into the teapot.

Hastily putting a lid on the teapot, Newt slid next to Tina, panting, "Choranaptyxic. They also shrink to fit the available space." Ariadne's heart was pounding in her ears as she let out a chuckle. The room had been destroyed, wooden shelves broken as glass shards covered the floor.

"Tell me the truth, was that everything that came out of the case?"

"That's everything, and that's the truth."

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ariadne has finally joined the team! after alot of internal debate, i realised that there is no way that ariadne would defy graves in front of him, especially due to the childhood she had.

also i hoped you've had a beautiful new years and a warm christmas, may 2024 be our year!


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