46. Magasin De Costume... We Meet Again

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Enjoy, lovelies!


"Remind me again why I'm here?" Christian cut in on Alex and I's conversation

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"Remind me again why I'm here?" Christian cut in on Alex and I's conversation. We were regrouping now to collect everyone's suit election for me to try on, and of course Christian was already itching to leave.

"I truly have no idea Christian. I told you I was going to be home soon, but you insisted on joining remember?" Alex replied, folding up one of the suits he pulled off the rack as his selection.

"Well... Brad's here," Christian tried to explain.

"Yeah and I'm here for Joan." Brad spoke, appearing suddenly from behind Christian to hand Alex a suit he selected for me.

"And only that." Joan added, making sure to give Brad a look as she passed her selection over to Alex. I think she was referencing the cleanse Brad was currently on from buying any more suits, and from the look she gave him, it seems like Brad was close to cracking.

"See- everyone else is here, so..." Christian explained, which made Alex roll his eyes. "And I'm pretty sure it was Derek who tagged along when we needed to get you a suit, remember? This is pay back."

"I wouldn't say we bring the same thing to the table." I countered to Christian who was behind us. He was following Alex and myself over to the changing rooms, which had a large waiting area. "For starters, you're not nearly as fun." I could feel Christian's eyes piercing through the back of my head now.

"I'm loads of fun. You're just chaotic." Christian grumbled that last bit to himself, which Alex turned back briefly to send Christian a look. It was nice seeing Joan and Alex outside of work, and since both their schedules had been hell these last few weeks, I particularly enjoyed the princess treatment I was getting today. Joan had already cussed out Brad on two separate occasions for me this afternoon, and I was on cloud fucking nine.

The only person that wasn't here, was John. And though I wanted to be a sad mopey bitch about it, John was home still looking after Herold. He had managed to take some work from home days, which he asked me to stay over for and I wish I could've, but I wasn't even going to bother asking our Sales Floor Manager to work from home. The answer would be no, it usually was whenever I had to ask that asshat for anything.

John's consistent check ins also helped fill his absence.

Have you started trying things on?

I read the text that came through right as I was entering the fitting room. Alex had hung the five suits we all selected, on the hook behind the door.

Just starting now

John didn't wait a second to respond.

Pics or it didn't happen

That made me openly laugh. I set my phone down on one of benches, before looking over each suit selected. The color schemes were all pretty fucking boring besides the one I selected myself which was a beautiful light green, and the other was surprisingly Brad's option.

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