Chapter Twenty-Nine

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It was dinnertime, yet Hunter hadn't arrived home. Gemma had called him once in the evening and he told her he might come in late, but how late exactly, he didn't specify. Gemma served Robbie his dinner. His fever had subsided, and he was feeling much better, but mostly relieved to have his mommy with him.

"You also have your dinner, Anna," said Gemma.

"No, you both can eat. I'll wait for Hunter." Gemma didn't argue. She ate and wrapped up her work. Rihanna tucked Robbie into his bed and he fell asleep soon after. Gemma joined him later.

Rihanna sat in the living room, watching some random movie on TV to keep her awake. It was already ten and Hunter hadn't come yet. She couldn't keep her eyes open and dozed off on the sofa with the TV on.

At the birthing center, one of his mares had given birth and Hunter had to stay as the mare was critical. It was Black Fury's foal and Hunter was especially interested in seeing the baby. The moment he was born, Hunter fell in love with it. He called it Blackstone because of its smooth black coat.

By the time he was free, it was already eleven. Hunter drove over to the ranch house, thinking about why Gemma had called him. He was tired of Robbie's everyday tantrums and was slowly losing his sanity. He decided that if Robbie was better, he would take him to his grandparents once and for all.

He parked his truck and unlocked the main door and walked in, closing it slowly after him. It seemed Gemma was watching TV. He walked into the living room but froze, seeing Rihanna fast asleep on the sofa with the TV on in the background.

He switched it off and walked towards the sofa. What was she doing here? He had sent her home, hadn't he? He hadn't expected her here at all. After that earlier encounter at his office, he had thought that he had lost her completely. He had been very upset the whole day, as she was on his mind all the time.

Seeing her sleeping at his home made his heart beat with hope. Why hadn't she gone home? He knelt beside her, lifting his fingers to caress her cheek, her hair. "So beautiful," he murmured in a daze. She stirred and smiled in her sleep.

"I love you, Hunter," she breathed with her eyes closed as a faint smile tugged at her lips. She looked so happy. Was she dreaming about him? Her arm wound around his neck and she pulled him to her chest. "Hunter," she whispered as she stroked his soft hair.

Hunter closed his eyes as he lay his head on her chest, feeling her heart beating for him. He felt his throat constrict with unshed tears. No one ever had loved him this way. He was a fool to think that he could let her leave. He could stop eating, he could stop drinking, he could stop breathing, he could even stop living, but he couldn't stop himself from wanting Rihanna. She had invaded his soul and every cell of his body.

Rihanna released him and again went back to sleep. Hunter slowly stood up with a sigh and, picking her up in his arms, bridal style, he walked towards his bedroom.

Suddenly Rihanna's eyes flew open, and she gaped at him with shock. Hunter was amused, but didn't look at her as he carried her to his room.

"Hunter, I was waiting for you. You're so late. I didn't have dinner because of you," she rambled on nervously, thinking about her dream of Hunter. Was it a dream or was it real? There was no way she could find out. Hunter didn't say a single word and walked into his room. Placing her down gently, he didn't release his hold on her. He looked deep into her eyes, a lot of questions going on in his mind. He wanted answers.

"What are you doing here, Rihanna?"

"I was waiting for you," she admitted calmly, looking him in the eye.

"Why?" he asked, watching her like a hawk.

"To have dinner with you."

"Why didn't you go home?" he asked her, his patience wearing out.

"This is home for me, Hunter. I'm staying here forever." His eyes widened, and he simply watched her, too dumbfounded to speak.

"No, you can't. Go home Rihanna." He released her abruptly, as if she had shocked him to the core.

"Why can't I? You and Robbie need me and I'm staying."

"Robbie doesn't need you. Tomorrow I'm taking him to his grandparents' house," he continued stubbornly, turning his back to her.

"In that case, I'll stay because of you." He whirled around to face her as if he'd been wanting to hear these exact words.

"Why do you want to stay because of me?" he asked in a tortured voice. Rihanna closed the distance between them and hugged his torso. Hunter stood still with his breath caught in his throat, eagerly waiting for her answer.

"Because I love you and I'll love you till I die. I think that's enough reason for me to marry you," she whispered, tightening her hold on him.

"It's too late, Rihanna. I don't need your pity. I've made up my mind," said Hunter, releasing a staggering breath.

"I'm not pitying you. Why should I? It's just that I can't live without you. Don't throw me out of your life, Hunter," she said as tears fell from her eyes. She released him and turned her back to him, wiping her tears as they kept cascading down her cheeks. Hunter just whirled her around and pulled her into his arms.

"Don't cry, darlin'. I just meant for your own good. You know I can't offer you anything in return. I can't love you back. I'm a broken man, Rihanna. You deserve someone better," he said, crushing her to his chest as if he didn't want to let her go.

"I'll heal you, Hunter, with my love. Please let me be with you. I need nothing else, only you," she said, looking up at him hopefully.

Hunter looked relaxed and almost happy and hopeful after hearing her. "Let's eat. It's getting late. Wait here, I'll get our food," he said, walking off, looking a little relaxed. After five minutes, he came back with a plate heaped with food, enough for both of them. He placed it on the coffee table in his room and sat on the loveseat in the corner.

"Come here, Rihanna," he said when she was about to pull a stool and sit. She went towards him to sit next to him, but he simply caught her and placed her on his lap. Rihanna blushed crimson.

"What are you doing, Hunter?" she asked shyly.

"Feed me," he ordered, his eyes dark with a barely contained desire that looked like it would go out of control any minute. Rihanna picked up a forkful of spaghetti bolognese and fed it to him. He picked up a piece of herb-crusted pork cutlet and fed it to her. They continued to feed one another until they wiped the whole plate clean. They hadn't realized how hungry they both were.

"That was the second most delicious meal of my life," he admitted, his arm tightening around her waist.

"Second? How?" she asked, looking puzzled.

"This was the second time you fed me," he whispered into her ear, his mouth kissing her neck, sucking it passionately. Rihanna's breath hitched. It was like a silent communication between them. Rihanna knew Hunter had accepted her decision to stay and now they were together for life, never to be parted again.

"Hunter, I'll just clear the dishes," she told him after releasing a staggering breath. His mouth had already started sucking at another spot, marking her as his. "Hunter?" she called out to him softly. He raised his head and placed her down reluctantly.

"No, I'll clear the dishes. You'll take ages," he said impatiently, picking up the plate and cutlery and walking away. Rihanna freshened up and lay down on the bed to sleep, her heartbeats speeding up at the thought of what Hunter might do. Would he want to make love to her tonight? Hunter came back and locked his door.

"I'll just take a quick shower," he said, walking to the en-suite. Rihanna smiled and closed her eyes, but her heart was beating so fast, she couldn't sleep. The door of the en-suite opened in five minutes and Hunter appeared in a towel, his damp body glistening in the lights of the table lamp. He approached her slowly, his piercing gaze hooked upon her. Rihanna's breath hitched, knowing he had lost control. She wanted him to lose control and take her. She was his already for life.

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