Thirty-Three: Trapped

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There finally leaving, the house still hasn't gone into escrow but Vivien didn't want to stay in the house any longer. Ben would still be using the house as an office but Vivien and Violet are leaving. You and Tate watch as Violet stuffs her duffel bag full of her clothes and other important items she'll need. A feeling of dread washed over both you and Tate, violet couldn't leave the property. She was about to find out in the most horrible way that she was dead. You couldn't let that happen you figured she would rather hear it from Tate then when she teleported back to the house from the car.

"Violet we need to talk"

"Save it I'm leaving there's nothing you can say to change that"

"Violet you can't leave"

She whips around glaring at him "I can and am" your heart was breaking for her.

"Violet I need to show you something" your eyes widen at his words he's not planning on showing her, her corpse is he. There's absolutely no reason for her to have to go through the trauma of seeing her dead corpse, especially one that's been decomposing in the basement for days.

"Tate don't" you grab his arm pulling him back. You suppose you'll have to do this yourself.

"Violet I'm so sorry you can't leave, ever" she still didn't understand giving you an annoyed look about to tell you off just like she did Tate. "The night you took the pills you never actually woke up"

"I tried to save you but you swallowed too many pills, you threw up some but not enough" tears started to form in her eyes.

"Your lying, that's not true I woke up I remember"

"Try leaving" she was only going to believe it if she had hard evidence. Violet hurried down the stairs heading for the front door tears filled her eyes as she made her way across the yard. As soon as she crossed the gate she found herself back in the house. She tried again and again to cross the threshold even going through different doors to see if that would help.

"This can't be, I can't be dead, I just can't be" Tears are pouring down her face.

"Violet, are you almost done packing? We should be getting on the road soon" Viven calls from upstairs. She can't leave, her packed bag is upstairs and that's exactly where it's going to stay. She's forever trapped in the house, what is she going to tell her mom. "Vi did you not hear me? I asked if you were finished packing" seeing her mom just made the situation even more real. How is she going to tell her mom that she killed herself? Her mom is going to be devastated when she finds out.

"Mom I can't leave" her voice cracks with her words.

"I know this is going to be a change but give it a chance"

She can't tell her mom she's dead just can't seem to find the words. So she just nodded her head grabbing her packed bag from upstairs. The car is fully packed and Violet is anxiously waiting for her mom to pull out of the drive. Viven makes it only a few feet when she notices Violet is no longer in the car. She quickly reverses back into the drive to see Violet standing on the porch. "Violet don't be childish get in the car" Viven hadn't even heard the door open, how the hell did Violet get there. Violet climbs back into the car.

"I can't leave mom"


Violet quickly cuts her off, getting angry that she doesn't understand what she means. "I'm dead mom, I can't ever leave this house again"

"Violet I know your going through something but your life isn't over"

"You're not listening to me, I took..." she tried to ease her breathing. "I took some pills and didn't wake up"

She stared at violet for a moment tears forming in her eyes as she shook her head. "This is not funny Violet"

"I'm not joking mom, you know there's something wrong with this house"

"I...I don't"

"Our house is filled with ghosts. You've seen them and now I'm one of them." Tears are running down both Harmans.

"No..I..this is not true this can't be true"

"Try driving away again" Vivien pauses for a moment, hand resting on the gear. She's going to get a definite answer when she drives away. Either her daughter is going to be next to her or she's not. It's simple but she's terrified to know. Eventually she gathers the courage driving down the drive once more. This time her eyes are focused solely on Violet. Watching in horror as her daughter disappeared right before her eyes.

Her baby girl is dead.

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