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"You're our new professor?!" Hilda asked Byleth as he walked into the classroom and stood before them.

"Yes... Is there a problem?" Once again, there was no hostility in his voice. He spoke to her in an even tone and with a constant blank expression, his eyes merely studying her.

Not that his soulless gazing at her made her any less uncomfortable, but she quickly corrected herself. "N-No, not at all! I just assumed you'd be roped into joining the knights or something!"

Claude smiled in amusement at seeing her stutter over her words, before he stepped forward. "Don't tell me. You chose this class just to get to know me better, right? I'm flattered, really." His smile slightly dropped when he saw that he wasn't getting any reaction from Byleth, but he quickly deflected his unease with a chuckle. "Whoops. Now that you're our professor, maybe I should choose my words more carefully."

"I don't mind if you address me casually."

The house leader's eyebrows rose up a bit in surprise, not expecting to hear that. "Oh? Well, then! Since we're pretty close in age and all, I suppose formalities aren't all that necessary."

Lorenz put a hand on his forehead, baffled by the situation. "One must truly marvel at the exceptionality of this appointment. Becoming a teacher to students almost the same age as yourself. How... unusual."

"Apparently, our new professor was personally recommended by Alois, one of the knights," Ignatz said from beside him, the young commoner boy sharing in the noble's shock.

Behind everyone and over to her left, Hilda heard Leonie let out a snort, the ginger girl furrowing her brows at their new professor. "I would've preferred if Captain Jeralt was the one to teach our house, but I guess I can settle for his kid."

Standing beside Hilda and to her right, Lysithea was also looking at him with narrowed eyes, though it was more so in scrutinization. She rested her chin on her hand and hummed. "Well, considering his background as a mercenary, along with his blood ties with a father figure such as he, I'll be having high expectations for our professor. I hope you don't disappoint."

Hilda instinctively frowned at that. "Just because someone is special doesn't mean their children are special too, Lysithea," she said, feeling compelled to speak up. The smaller girl regarded her with a neutral face as both of their pink eyes locked on to each other. She chose to ignore it, and continued. "Assuming that a child is going to be exceptional just because of their lineage is a bad idea. Don't you agree, Marianne?"

Standing on the other side of her, the girl in question snapped her head up in surprise. "Huh?! Oh... Um, yes. I suppose so."

Lysithea considered her words briefly. "Perhaps you're right. My apologies, Hilda." She inclined her head towards her before repeating the same action to Byleth. "And to you, Professor." Hilda smiled with an approving look, not prepared for the next words to come out of her mouth. "In that case, I will not be expecting anything from you at all." There was complete silence as the other Golden Deer stared at her in shock and disbelief.

Hilda's eyes nervously shifted from her to Byleth, who was once again studying her unblinkingly. She meant to open her mouth to apologize to him, but it was Claude who ended up saying something - after he was finished staring at them completely dumbfounded. He quickly stepped in front of Lysithea. "Okayyy, she did not mean that. As her house leader, allow me to apologize on her-"

Byleth silently raised his hand and shook his head, cutting the boy off mid-sentence. "It's alright, Claude. Perhaps it would be for the best if we skipped the introductions, and started focusing on our upcoming assignment."

"Our assignment?" he asked, the subject getting his and everyone else's attention, a certain slothful noble included.

"But the school year just started up again!" Hilda protested. She shook her head and groaned. "Who's the genius that thought up this idea, and what even is this assignment anyway?"

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