Chapter 19

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The concert was great.

Although the only setback was that Nari couldn't cheer. She stood with the staff not too far from the stage and she swore Jungkook kept glancing at her.

But now they were in America. Jungkook was in California for the AMA's while Nari decided to stop by New York first to check up on Alex. She had decided to keep the baby after going to an ultrasound scan with Miguel just like Nari suggested.

Alex called Nari two days after their call to tell her she was four months pregnant. Nari was overjoyed, she was actually going to be an aunt. Ever since working at the paediatric ward at the hospital and volunteering in the NICU, Nari found herself loving children more than usual.

While playing with the kids in the playpen she would daydream about having her own one day. It was definitely something she wanted but just not now. She was still too early into her career so maybe when she finishes subspecialty training.

Nari smiled to herself as she walked down the street to Alex's home knowing she'd been staying there for some time. She walked up the stairs of the townhouse and rang the doorbell.

A few moments passed before the door opened revealing a beautiful Mexican woman with long black curly hair and warm welcoming smile.

"Mija!" Esmeralda lit up bringing Nari in for a hug. "Mami!" Nari wrapped her arms around her waist.

"I missed you so much!" The older woman pressed a kiss on Nari's cheek. "I missed you too." Nari said before being pulled into the house, Esmeralda closing the door behind her.

"Why didn't you tell us you were coming, mija? I could've made your enchiladas, your favourite."

Nari breathed in the familiar scent of lavender filling the house and smiled at Esmeralda. "I wanted to surprise you."

"Consider me surprised."

Esmeralda was Nari's second mom. At least that's what she told people. Nari would spend afternoon's and evenings after school with the family while her parents worked late nights.

Esmeralda and her husband, Fernando would help teach Nari Spanish while she stayed in Brooklyn whenever she wasn't out with Alex roaming the streets. They would sometimes make it to Queens and play with Alex's cousins until their curfew drew closer.

"Where's your little boyfriend? Did he not come with you?" Esmeralda asked. They were now in the kitchen, Nari sat on a counter while Esmeralda poured her a glass of water. Of course she scolded her for it before just sighing with defeat.

"He's in California for an award show. But we're going to be back for the new year's dinner." Nari answered. "Oh okay, just know it's been held in Queens this year. Your tio's were complaining about wanting a yard to barbecue in." Esmeralda handed Nari the glass of water.

Nari thanked her before taking a sip.

"So it's going to be at tia Maria's house?" Nari asked. "Yes." Esmeralda nodded. "We'll be there," Nari smiled.

"Where's Fernando?" Nari asked. "He went out with some friends and Alex is in her room if you want to go see her."

With that, Nari gulped down the rest of her water, thanked Esmeralda and made her way upstairs to Alex's room.

Nari abruptly opened the door and saw Alex on her desk working. "Guess who the fuck is in the building!" Nari yelled making Alex look away from her desk to her. "Jennifer!" Alex exclaimed rushing to jump on Nari.

"Yup! Yup! Yup!"

Alex jumped on Nari making them fall onto her bed and burst out into laughter. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?!" Alex shouted taking a pillow and hitting Nari with it.

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