January 2, 2024 | Step 1: The Manuscript

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Here's the thing: I don't have the file for the published version of IASWAA.

So, obviously, there's only one solution: re-type the entire thing while looking at the copy I gave my friend way back when it was first published.

So, obviously, there's only one solution: re-type the entire thing while looking at the copy I gave my friend way back when it was first published

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The font is so small. So small. And it's still four-hundred pages. OOF.

Lol, as crazy as it sounds, I'm actually enjoying the process so far. It's given me a way to be productive when I'm feeling low energy, and I get to edit as I go without my eyes glazing over the words.

Editing will consist of me tightening sections, deleting stuff that I believe is unnecessary or detrimental to the story, and removing brand names and media titles.

I'm on chapter 6 right now, and have the tentative goal to finish copying the story down within the next two weeks. Or, at the latest, by the end of the month. We'll see how it goes!


What are some extra goodies you'd be interested in seeing in the Kickstarter? Stickers? Bookmarks? Annotated copies? Items related to their new story? Something else entirely? I wanna include what you'll enjoy!

I'll see you in the next one!



It All Started with an Apple - Kickstarter EditionWhere stories live. Discover now