Chapter 6: The Hunter of the Hunt

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In the freezing cooler as Klatooinians were working on cutting up meat and hanging them up on hooks.

They were just going about their day, working their job, but the door leading into the butcher shop was a figure that was blurred by the cooler flaps.

But that figure turns and pushes them out of the way, revealing himself as Din Djaran, the Mandalorian.

He steps into the cooler, earning many eyes but he didn't care and walks into the cooler, stepping past the workers and hanging meat and steps to one of the back room.

He steps through the door frame. The boss of the worker, who sat at the table sorting through the credits, blink for a moment and looks up at the hunter that stood before him, "You look lost." Kaba Baiz informs him.

"I'm here for Kaba Baiz." Din informs him, Kaba just huffs "What makes you think he's here?" he questions, playing dumb. Din pulls out the tracking fob from his belt and shows him as the light was a clear red.

"What do you want with him?" Kaba asks again as Din places the fob away. "He owes someone important money." the Mandalorian answers. "Who?" Kaba asks again.

"That's not my business. I'm here to to bring him in." Din informs him again, Kaba just looks at the men that were staying perfectly still, flicking their eyes between the two.

"Well, if I see him, I'll let him know." Kaba informs him but Din reaches into his side pocket and pulls out a holocomm. "I see him right now." he spoke as it activates and shows the wanted holo of Kaba's face.

Making him sit right up in his chair, momentarily, but slouches back with a laugh. "That's not me. That doesn't even look like me." he informs him.

But Din wasn't convinced as he looks at the others that were gathered in the room. "I'm gonna give the rest of you the opportunity to walk out that door. I have quarrel with you." he offers, but no one moved.

Making Kaba grin at the hunter, "They're not going anywhere. Looks to me like you're surrounded." he warns. Din remained standing. Unafraid and not amused. "But you look like the practical type. Let's discuss our options." Kaba spoke as he gestures to the table of credits.

But Din just stares down at the Klatooinian, his hand moving to his blaster. "I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold." he offers him. Kaba's eyes flick to Din's hand that rested on his blaster.

But the Klatooinian leaps out of his chair and bites down on Din's wrist, making him cry out and drop his blaster.

But he retracts and headbutted him and a fight break out. The Klatooinians used their tools as weapons to fight against the Mandalorian, only to find his Beskar was the perfect defense.

Then he drew out the hilt and activates the darksaber. He wasn't skilled with the darksaber. Too heavy to wield, but it cut through anything that came into it's path.

He cuts down the Klatooinians easily, but what he also lacked was his knowledge of the saber, pulling it right to his side, ony to burn himself with the searing blade.

Two of the workers tried to restrain him for Kaba to finish the job, he stood from his chair, drawing his blaster. But Din cuts through the two worker as Kaba opens fire, only to hit Din's armored Jetpack.

Din drew his dagger, pericing Kaba through the chest and forces him to step back, slamming him onto the table. He reels the saber over his head and with a shout, slams it right down onto Kaba.

Cutting him and the table right down the middle, the credits scattering onto the floor. Din panting as the Saber was not an easy weapon to wield.

He flexes his hand, feeling the muscles straining. But movement catches his eye and saw one of the workers was still alive and he hurried out of the side room into the main work area.

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