Chapter 61: Vivan's past

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Daksh & Ishita's room:
Ishita was lying on bed using mobile, Daksh entered the room quietly, Ishita looked at him, he was looking down. He quietly went towards her and lay on top of her, Ishita caressed his hair, she knew he needs time. She didn't start the conversation because she wanted him to feel easy first, Daksh was snuggling more in her chest, the softness was calming him. Daksh move from her chest and snuggle in her neck, Daksh try to control but couldn't so he kissed her neck. Ishita gasped but didn't say anything, Daksh tightens the hold on her waist and whispered in her ear.
Daksh: I'm sorry, I tried to control but couldn't,
Ishita: it's ok! You already controlling yourself to much for me,
Daksh smiled, Ishita felt his smile on her skin,
Daksh: then can I have little more kisses?
Ishita: sure!
Her confidence boosts his energy, he gives a long kiss on her neck, he sniffs and kisses her neck, she hissed when he bite her neck.
Ishita: you only ask about kiss,
Daksh: by one, get one free! Your having a sale on you husband.
Ishita: then where is my one free husband?
Daksh hovered over her,
Daksh: the version your seeing now, is your free husband.
Daksh comes closer to her,
Daksh: wanna see more?
Ishita: no, thanks! I'm fine,
Daksh laughed and again laid on her,
Ishita: sleep on your place, if you stay here then I don't think you'll be able to sleep properly.
Daksh smiled nervously,
Daksh: you know me very well,
Ishita: I know my needy husband very well,
Daksh smirked, he move closer to her ear, he bite her earlobe, she clutch his shirt and closed her mouth not moan for.
Daksh: then think what I will do when you'll be mine completely,
Ishita widen her eyes, she somehow hide the redness of her cheeks, Daksh smirked at her and laid beside her. Daksh turned to the other side and closed his eyes, Ishita move close to him and hugged him from behind.
Ishita: I gave you this emotionsa and the feelings, your feeling right now, don't hide it from me.
Daksh started crying, he turned and hugged her tightly, he was crying in her arms, the emotions that are stored because everyone ignored it is now coming out. Ishita knows how hard it was for him to open up, Ishita patted on his back, he was sobbing and crying badly. Ishita was not able to see this, by his crying anyone can tell how much he suffered, tears formed in her eyes but she control. Today all girls need to be strong for their husbands, their husbands need them very badly today, Daksh cried and cried and slept in her arms.
Suraj & Sanskruti's room:
Sanskruti was waiting for Suraj, he entered in room, their eyes met, he immediately break the eye contact. He smiled at her and went to night stand, he kept his mobile there, suddenly Sanskruti back hugged him.
Sanskruti: no need to be strong infront of me,
Suraj kept his hand on her hand, she made him turn and face her,
Sanskruti: I'm your wife, Suraj!
Suraj immediately hugged her, he closed his eyes, he tried to control his tears but when she hugged him back he broke down. He hide his face in crook of her neck, Sanskruti was little shocked because she never thought this strong man will cry. She patted his pack, he tightened the hug, it was choking her but she bear it for him. After some time he loosened the hug and when he is fully calm he left her, both sat on bed, Sanskruti gave him water and he drank it.
Suraj: isn't it unfair with me Sanskruti? They love when they wants and when they don't want they ignored me.
He said while staring at glass in his hand, Sanskruti took that glass and kept it on the table, she intertwined her hand with his.
Sanskruti: yeah, it's unfair! We can leave them and create our own life but will you be in peace?
Suraj looked at her,
Sanskruti: parents are the most valuable and important thing in God's point of view, how will you face God? Do you know why I believe in God's too much?
She asked him while smiling softly,
Sanskruti: Problem come in everyone's life but it didn't went to very bad extent in my life. Ruhi went to hospital, Kiara went, Ishita went too, but I don't, why?
Suraj looked at him, he found it true,
Sanskruti: because the faith I have in God! I know they will protects me, I accept every ups down of life thinking it's their choice. Won't they will think about me too? If karma comes back then how can kindness will not?
Suraj looked down in agreeing manner,
Sanskruti: I forgot everything you did with me because I thought it was my test, If I pass then I'll get the person who will love me like there is no end and if I lose then I'll lose the person who will love me like there is no end. Think that it was your test to win me, to win your brothers, to get a better version of yours, life is not simple we have lose something to get something. If everything get us without any struggle then won't it unfair with people who are struggling? And if all this had not happened, would you be like this now? You'll be like papa and chacha.
Her words hit him,
Suraj: your right!
Sanskruti smiled at him and kissed his left cheek, which she didn't kissed that time, immediately Suraj face lighten up. He looked at her, she looked away, Suraj smiled knowing she was shy, but he was happy that she made first move. He pulled her close by pulling her hand which was intertwined, he kissed her forehead and then back of her hand.
Suraj: I'm luckiest person in the world because I got you as my wife, and I'll make you happiest person in world.
Sanskruti: me too!
Vivan & Ruhi's room:
Ruhi was waiting for him patiently, he is mad on her and broken too, how will she gonna manage. Suddenly she heard door opening sound, she turn and saw him, she ran and hugged him. Vivan was a little shocked as the hugging thing is not common in their relationship, he didn't hug her back, she broke the hug, She made him sit in bed, he had a cold face.
Ruhi: you went there right?
Vivan nodded,
Ruhi: why?
Vivan: you gave him your words, If I had not gone then it was your insult, and how can I insult my wife. your my wife, your insult is my insult!
Vivan spoke while looking away, Ruhi can recognise his anger, pain and sadness. Ruhi can clearly see that he is not angry, he is sad, and she knows the reason too.
Ruhi: I know you're not mad at me, I know you very well.
Vivan looked down,
Ruhi: have you ever thought, why I didn't leave you when my parents love me and support me so much?
Vivan looked at her, how he missed this important point,
Ruhi: I was not able to forget whatever Divya said, because that day the way she said was reflecting the pain she went through. That painful face of hers always revolved around my eyes, I was having the same feeling your having now. When someone's happiness or life is destroyed because of you, you're thinking that you're responsible for whatever happened with Suraj bhai and I thought I'm responsible for whatever happened with her. I started to think that God gifted me other parents as alms because he snatched my biological parents, and I don't belong there. Even though they love me a lot I don't feel like that was my home, and even though you and your family hurt me alot I feel like this is my home. Even if something happened to me then also I can't leave this house because it is my home, Living in a house and living at home is different. When I divorce you and went to Divya's house, I knew you would come to take me, in the starting I was new and don't know anything about you but still whenever you get angry, it scare me but didn't hurt me. Where everyone notice your anger, I notice your pain, I feel like this is my home and I belong here.
Vivan fondly look at her,
Ruhi: Maybe whatever Divya did was wrong but the pain she felt, does it not carry any value? Whatever you did with Suraj bhai, mummy, me was wrong, but does your pain not carry any value. Regret on your mistake but don't supress your pain because you're in mistake, were humans we do mistakes. I said this before too, mistake can be happen sometimes terrible and unforgiving, and sometimes hurtful, painful but forgiving. The whole world is there to judge you or give you an opinion on your mistake but don't listen to them, it's your mistake, correct yourself. Do what your heart wants, my heart wants you that's why I stay with you even after ensuring every pain. I don't care what people says or think because it is my life, it's my choice, I ensure the pain, so I will decide which happiness I'll choose. Don't care what people says Vivan, you ensure your pain, do what your heart wants.
Ruhi said while holding his hand, he intertwind their hand and spoke while looking at their hands.
Vivan: I was a naughty kid, mom loved me alot when I was 6 years old, I was spoiled in her love. My bond was not good with Suraj bhai back then, that time I didn't know why but now I know. He was sad because mom dad ignored him because of me, I was send to Masi house (Neha's house). Starting 2 months was ok, I missed mom so much, but slowly she started using abusing words, being naughty kid I also talked back to her. I was so spoiled, I used to talk back, disrespect elders, like I'm now. But now I'm like this because of the my past but back then I was like that because my parents love spoiled me. Slowly she started to take all the money dad send to me, she broke me to make me a better person. In starting she abused me little like slapping me, locking me, starving me. But when dad banned me from coming home, meeting with mom, talking with her, she abuse me to another extent. Dad acts made her free to do anything she wants, she will starve me for 2-3 days, she will make me cook the food, do house chores, slap me, throw hot food on my face, shout on me, lock me, humiliate me and so on. She torture me alot, but Masuji was another level, He will beat me up until I pass out, sometimes with belt, sometimes with rod or sometimes with stick. Mercy word was not in his distionary, Once I added more salt in food because when I tasted the food it was less salty, he kept the spoon on gas and burned my tongue, I was not able to talk or eat properly.
Ruhi kept her hand on her mouth,
Vivan: he used to tie me with a chain and keep a mass piece in my mouth, he would stand in front of me with his hungry black dogs. That dog barks at me and tries to come to me to eat that mass piece, that dog was so horrible, I used to get scared. Mistakenly I broke his vase with my hand, he broke my hand, with one hand I did all the cooking and house chores. No one showed any mercy, I was just 7 years old Ruhi, just 7! The parents who love me a lot, in whose love I spoil, didn't believe me. They didn't believe me Ruhi, I felt betrayed, that was so horrible time, I wish no one ever face that. My rough childhood is the reason why I'm like this, it leaves a very bad impact on my brain, I was just 7 years old. You saw Divya as a kid, just imagine a 7 year Divya was going through what I went through.
Shiver ran down from her spine just by imagining, she hugged him, he hugged her back.
Vivan: it hurt alot Ruhi, it was so painful!
Ruhi: I understand! Your so strong Vivan, I love you!
Vivan feel like his soul left his body hearing those words, he was not able to control and break down. He started crying, Ruhi panicked and tried to break the hug but he tightened the hug, she hugged him again and let him cry. He cried alot on her shoulder, after some time he stop and broke the hug, Ruhi cupped his face and wiped the tears, she kissed his both eyes.
Ruhi: I like them! don't make them cry,
Vivan smiled,
Ruhi: the part Masuji broke, I'll heal that with my love!
Tears again formed in his eyes, she connected their heads,
Ruhi: cry how much you want because today will be the last day your crying because of your past, I'll erase every pain and every bad memory Vivan.
She said while closing her eyes, Vivan stared at her face, tears rolled down from her eyes, she tried to control but couldn't. Vivan kissed those tears, Her lips parted and left the sigh, he move closer to her lips.
Vivan: can I?
Ruhi nodded while her eyes were still closed, just by his presence on her lips she understood. Vivan gently landed his lips on her, he kissed her, after getting her response he pulled her closer, he cupped her face and depend on the kiss. He was pouring all his love and same with her, it was passionate and gentle kiss, after some time they broke the kiss.
Vivan: if you're ready then I'll like to go further, can I?
Ruhi smiled and nodded, Vivan smiled and again kissed her, while kissing he made her lay on bed, she intertwind her hands around his neck. She was giving in very well, Vivan moved to her jaw, he bite and kiss her jaw, she moaned. He attacked on her neck, he sucked her neck very hardly, later kiss the same spot, he was doing his work on her neck while his hand slide on her back. He unziped her dress, he slid the dress from shoulder, he lick her shoulder, kissed and bite. She was clutching his shirt, now he wants to undress her, he looked in her eyes asking for last permission.
Ruhi: be gentle!
Ruhi said with smile,
Vivan: I will baby, don't worry!
Vivan kissed her again while kissing he undress her fully, their night went in making love, giving each other fully, connecting their soul.

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