'Chapter 49'

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Bucky pulled up at the drop off and sighed.
"Best of Luck for today Lily, remember read the question twice before you answer it and try your best!" He smiled as I nodded.
"Will do Buck, Love you." I leant over and kissed him on the check before going to open the door but it was pulled open for me. I looked up and smiled as Levi helped me put.

"Have a good day Mr James!" He smiled shutting the door. Bucky starred at him, eye brows raised and sighed before waving at me and driving off.

"Such a gentlemen," I smirked as we walked into school. I saw two girls scoff and roll their eyes at me before I walked into school.

"I'm so nervous for the exam Lily, I just know that I'm going to fail." He sighed worriedly as I opened my locker.
"You studied for ages, I'm sure you'll be fine," I supported grabbing my things.
"How does this come easily to you, it's the hardest shit in the world." He poured.
"I've already been taught it before, trust me it was hard until it clicked and now it's easy." He nodded.
"Your so lucky," He smiled and I chuckled.

If only he knew.

I smiled at Peter who looked suspiciously at Levi who was standing next to me.
"Parker, you ready?" I asked and he nodded.
"As ready as I think I can be," He sighed. He walked in the other side of me to our class.

We all walking in and all the tables were in rows. I walked over and Peter and I sat in our usual spots and Levi came and sat on the other side of me.

The teacher commenced the test and I opened the paper, using my pen I started working out the problems. They started simple but got progressively harder.

I looked up and I still had forty minutes left or the hour and a half test. I had finished. I looked around the room, seeing Peter was about halfway through and Levi was still two pages in. I looked up as the teacher stepped out of the classroom. Levi looked up as the door shut and faced me.

"Your done?" He whisper/gasped. I nodded and he sighed.
"How the hell do I do this?" He asked. I know I should cheat let alone help someone else cheat but I wasn't going to.

I told his the formula and he thanked me and quickly jotted it down at the top and continued. I focused on my test when the door opened and the teacher looked around the silent room.

We walked out of the test. Peter and I were sharing our answers as Levi listened. I looked at him after he'd been quiet for a little while.

"You good?" I asked and he kind of chuckled.
"Man I'm stuffed, I barley got half of those answers!" I smiled as he rubbed his hand through his hair.

"I'm sure you'll be fine," I smiled. Levi grabbed my hand and walked us to the cafeteria. The test went a little bit into our lunch time.
"Bye Parker," I called out with a little wave and he smiled from behind me. We walked to the cafeteria and smiled sitting down.

"God my brains fried," Levi chuckled to the others.
"That bad huh?" His friend asked and he nodded.
"I know you wanna get into the Ivy Leage but killing yourself to do so isn't the way."
"Yeah but it's what my mum wants, and plus all the girls that aren't half bad." He said nudging me, making me laugh.
"Hey the coach just called a meeting Levi, let's go." One of his soccer friends came up and tapped him on the shoulder.

"I'll be back Lil," He smiled standing up and walking off. The girls turned back to me.

"So was the test hard Lily?" They asked and I nodded.
"Yeah but I'm pretty sure I'll pass." I smiled.

"So did he ask you to the homecoming dance?" Betty smiled, excited.
"Yeah he did, it was really sweet." I replied, she squealed.
"Ahh, really! What did you say?" She questioned.
"I said yes," I said. I heard a scoff from behind me and I turned, Liz.

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