Chapter 4

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Though it was the evening I arrived at the Star Palace to see how Alastair is faring. I need to warn him about the Queen.

I sit in the drawing room, waiting for him to appear. He is such a precious boy that I don't want any harm to come to him.

The door swings open, revealing the black haired boy that resembles me so much. Though I didn't like that he took after my red eyes, I'm glad he didn't take after his mother.

The previous queen was also an arranged marriage but without my consent. As soon as I turned eighteen, they gave her to me.

She was cunning, possibly more than Estella. After first I was smitten. She was nice and I thought I could get along with her even if it wasn't my choice.

But I soon realized it was a façade. We had Alastair without my consent, she drugged me in order for her to fulfill her duty as the queen.

I never liked seductresses for this exact reason. I stayed away from any woman that would dare try and touch me.

The previous queen died during childbirth a year after we got married so it was short lived. But my memories of her never seemed to go away.

"I welcome, His Majesty the King," he bows before taking a seat in front of me. "May I ask what Father is doing here?" He drops the formalities as we are alone.

"I heard you met the Queen. Did she do anything odd?" I lean back as I stare at Alastair.

He shakes his head. "Her Majesty was very nice." A small blush forms on his cheeks. "She even gave me some sweets. Like those cookies with the little chocolates and the ones shaped like fish."

He begins to ramble on with a smile on his face. My eyes narrow at the sight.

She managed to capture him already, she's thorough.

"I expected her to stay away from me since I'm—um—cursed. But she wanted to get to know me and she told me to see her again sometime." His smile doesn't fall as he continues to speak about her with his head down.

"Alastair." I cut him off, he lifts his head showing the cursed mark. "You shouldn't think so highly of the Queen. She might me using you to win my favor. Stay away from her for now. Not until I know what she is after." I pause, my voice softens at the sight of his defeated face. "The Queen is not your mother so do not expect that of her."

His head falls, his hair sways as he does. "I know she isn't my mother but she doesn't seem to want to harm me. She even stopped me from eating the sweets because she was frightened that I might be allergic to them."

"She stopped you from eating the sweets? Did you tell her about the peanuts?" I question him.

"Yes. She let me eat after that."

She knows that he is allergic to peanuts now. She might be learning how to get rid of him. But why would she stop him from eating the sweets in the first place? Does she actually care?

I stand up. "Stay away from the Queen for now. Do not approach her and if she approaches you, leave immediately."

"Yes, Father." Alastair bows as I leave the room.

She is becoming more troublesome by the day. Alastair was surprised that I came to visit day. I guess it has been awhile since I came.

The Star Palace looks more worn in than I last saw it. I should summon some workers to fix up the gardens. Or fire those who aren't doing their jobs.



A week has passed and I still haven't seen Alastair. It seems that Kyrell truly banned him from approaching me.

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