Kinemortophobia - part 1/2

82 3 14

Listen to some music because this oneshot will be really long.


-disturbing scenes
-Sex (YAY)
-Trans Kaveh

"Why is this happening?! What happened to our home..."


One of the citizens shouted, loads of people started running, and some even pushed Kaveh over. What was happening? Why is everyone running??


Kaveh is taken by surprise, falling to the ground and being trampled by the crowds of people running past him.

"What's going on?!"

He calls up to the people running past him, but his cries are lost among the chaos. He scrambles to his feet, narrowly avoiding being trampled again as he looks desperately for the source of the commotion..

Suddenly, a person walked up to him. But this person wasn't ordinary, it was a zombie! Its mouth, legs and hands were rotting, exposed rib cage and had a weird smile too

Kaveh was beyond shocked and tried calling for help. Due to the trample from other people, his ankle was twisted and couldn't get up.

Kaveh screams in horror as he stares at the zombie. The smell is overwhelming as the zombified monster stumbles towards him, looking like it wants to rip him apart.

Terrified out of his wits, Kaveh tries calling for help, but he is barely able to call out as his ankle has twisted and he is unable to move very much without it hurting terribly.

That's when, Al Haitham, his roommate saw him and lifted him up and ran off to his home. Al Haitham quickly locked the front door and asked Kaveh

"Kaveh! Are you alright? Did it bite you or anything?!"

Kaveh is panting heavily, his heart pounding out of his chest as he tries to regain his breath and calm down. He shakes his head, struggling to speak. The smell of the zombie is still lingering in his nose, making him feel like he is going to be sick.

"I...I am all right!" He says, trying to appear strong and not let his fears show.

"That did not get a chance to bite me."

Al Haitham sighed in relief and began inspecting Kaveh's ankle. He took off his bandit mask and evaluated Kaveh's ankle upwards, putting a pack of ice on his ankle

"Thank Archons you aren't bitten. Otherwise, shit will be worse when you're infected like them"

Al Haitham explained, he stood up and let Kaveh rest on the divan.

Kaveh nods, feeling extremely grateful for Al Haitham's quick and efficient actions. He can't begin to imagine what would have happened if that zombie had bitten him. A chill runs down his spine as he thinks about becoming one of the flesh-eating monsters.

He lets his head fall back, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. It's been a long and terrifying evening, and he is finally glad to be safe and protected inside the security of this home. He just needs to rest and calm down.

"When you saw the zombie, did you notice its wide smile?"

Al Haitham asked, preparing canned food. He only had a small chance to get this much food for himself and Kaveh. Thankfully, the canned food and three jugs of water should last for a week

"Sorry, I couldn't get much food while I was out. I was being cautious of my surroundings"

Al Haitham said with an apologetic look and set down a plate of corned beef with bread slices

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