Chapter 43

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"It's a funny thing," said Lily looking down at the moonstone ring on her finger.

"What is?" said Anne. They were sitting in the garden in the courtyard. The duel would be happening in mere hours.

"This ring," said Lily. "My parents left it to me and ... well, it's silly really. But when I was young I used to dream that it would someday have some kind of magical power that would make me stronger and protect me."

"Maybe it will," said Anne.

"No," said Lily. "It's just a ring. It's just funny now to see it again knowing... well knowing that I'll fighting for my life soon really."

"Not your life Lily," said Anne. "Not really. It's your freedom that you're fighting for. You're fighting for Ryan's life though. You're fighting for the freedom of not just your kind, but the millions of shifters living in servitude because of the faulty leadership system."

" pressure then," said Lily with a slight laugh. It felt good to laugh. She knew that no matter the outcome of the duel, her world was about to change forever. 

"It can have magical properties if you decide for it to have them," said Anne, touching the shiny surface of the stone which glowed a warm blue in the late morning light. 


"Think about what it stands for," said Anne. "Your parents died for the survival of your childhood pack. A pack that then pushed you into servitude and abused you with cruelty. Surely that stands for something?"

"It wasn't right," Lily agreed.

"And now you can fight for your freedom and for what's right," said Anne. "The ring is a symbol of that. And whenever you see it, or feel it against your skin it can remind you of what you are fighting for. It can remind you that it's time for a change. And you can bring that about."

"Assuming I don't die," said Lily. She thought to laugh again but she didn't seem able to suddenly. She knew the duel was fast approaching.

"I believe in you Lily," said Anne in a quiet voice. "I've believed in you for such a long time now. It's time you start believing in yourself."

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Lily didn't know she could do it until she knew she could do it.

The duel wasn't what she'd be expecting.. a noisy hustling crowd of leering students... but it wasn't like that. It was just her and Ryan, not much different than when they'd been in the clearing at the bottom of the mountain listening to the symphony of the world.

Except.. it was entirely different. Ryan stood in his panther form. His piercing eyes were not Ryans. Not really. He'd been consumed by the magic used to bind him. And recognizing this Lily felt even less inclined to attack him.

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