Chapter 7

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Abhimanyu Singh Rathore

In many ways life is a battle. A battle against our self-destructive tendencies, our weaknesses and fears . I thrive to conquer all these battles.

I have seen enough politics since I was a child. I am well aware of the harsh truth of this society, if you want to live happily, you must have enough power.

I sat in my office , currently in the place of COO , but soon I will take over as CEO of Rathore Group...

It's my goal to take this family business to new heights..

It's the only thing that matters in my life , apart from my family ofcourse.

I was contemplating on some new business ideas when someone entered my office, without my permission...

I looked at the intruder's face and closed my eyes in frustration

"I am going to fire that guard ! How he let you enter without my permission?" I muttered, clearly pissed

"Chill out 'Hukum ' , do you think anyone here have guts to stop Agastya Singh Shekhawat?"

And he was right , who will dare to stop him? Everyone is aware of his temper...

He then walks over and sits elegantly on the couch

" I have planned the meeting day after tomorrow, but I am still thinking about taking the offer back.."

He says

"No you will not , I want that restaurant under our control at any cost " I stated

"Where is the magic word Abhi ?" He teased me with that sly smirk on his face

If there was anyone else on his place , I would have killed that person for using that tone with me ...

But , he is Agastya, my best friend, we did everything together since our childhood, he was there with me in my every decision, he was the one who helped me establish myself in business and the other illegal stuff.

"Agastyaaa..." I said in frustration rubbing my eyes

He rolled his eyes with a smile , knowing very well that Abhimanyu Singh Rathore never requests anything....

"You have got a big ego Abhi! At least tell me the truth, why are you so intrested in that restaurant?"

"I am just interested in their ideas . And also it's just going to benefit us Agastya, have you seen their interior and the style , it will surely attract many customers " I said

"Don't take me as a fool Abhi! I know you are not someone to be interested in a traditional and cozy restaurants! Okay you don't want to tell me , then don't but at least be there during the meeting with them." He says

"Did you came here just for this ?" I asked him irritated

"No , I am not that free . I came here to inform you about your rivals. Be careful Abhi , they are making secrete alliances against Rathore group, and you have absolutely no one to back you. You need some strong allies. Of course I would be there with you as always, but that won't be enough"

I just nodded at his words , I know I have to make some strong allies...

He was about to say something when his phone intrupted him..

He excused himself and returned after 5 minutes

"It's maa sa , I have to go , and here is everything about your ' dream restaurant ' enjoy" he said handling me a file and left..

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