A Rainy Day 🍼🌡️

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Sickie/little🍼🌡️: Felix
Caregiver: Hyunjin, Chan (A little of Minho)
886 words

It was currently a rainy Tuesday, Felix was stuck at the studio with the rest of DanceRACHA because of the storm and their driver was sick. Hyunjin and Minho were going over a new choreography for their comeback soon. Felix was just sitting on the leather sofa with a bottle of water between his legs.

He didn't know why but, he just felt so..off. It was hard to explain because he didn't know what was going on with him. He was shaky and a bit dizzy, he just thought he might have overworked himself and needed some sleep.

Boy, was he wrong. Little black spots soon appeared in his vision, he was getting a bit worried so he continued drinking his water.

After a few more moments, Hyunjin noticed his dongsaeng acting weird and decides to check up on him. He sees how Felix looks so out of it and overall, sickly looking.

Of course, he still went over to Felix but since he looked so sick Hyunjin was gently with how he talked.

"Hey, lixie...are you feeling okay?" Hyunjin asked, his voice was super soft and loving. He tried using his caregiver voice so it could calm Felix down enough to make him slip into his headspace. At the nickname "Lixie" Felix's head felt fluffy, at that point he felt too sick to reject his headspace.

Tears sprang to Felix's eyes, Hyunjin almost immediately took Felix into his arms. Slowly rocking him back and forth, Hyunjin asked Minho to grab his bag.

Minho grabbed Hyunjin's bag and also grabbed the light yellow pacifier from it. "Do you want your paci, baby?" Minho coos, Felix makes grabby hands and takes the pacifier, as soon as he puts it in his mouth he throws it back out and cries. Hyunjin and Minho get even more worried.

The truth is, Felix's nose was too stuffed up that he couldn't suckle his paci and that made him even more upset. He just wanted his comfort item, was that too much to ask?

Hyunjin runs his fingers through his baby's tangled hair and finds that his forehead is a tad on the warmer side. "Aw, is my kitten feeling icky?" Hyunjin coos, Felix gives a pitiful nod.

Minho hears what Hyunjin said and goes to his backpack "Jinnie, I have an ice pack for his head if you need it" Minho calls out from the other side of the dance studio. "Yeah, we'll need it. Thanks min" Minho gives a small nod and presses the ice pack to Felix forehead and rubs it on his neck.

Felix lets out a small babble of relief "Thankies..." Minho smiles and coos "Such a little cutie...."

Hyunjin lets Minho take Felix as he goes to check the weather outside. Hyunjin weirdly didn't have any service so he had to go all the way down to the lobby of JYP.

Hyunjin lets out a dissatisfied groan as he sees it's still down pouring, as he makes his way back to the dance studio, he runs into Chan "Oh hey Jinnie, have you got any service? Me and Jisung have been trying to get some"

Hyunjin sighs and shakes his head "Nope, and lixie is little and sick. We can't get him home either because of the storm" Hyunjin admits, Chan feels a bit worried

"is he okay? Is he running a temp?" Chan asks, Hyunjin nods softly and Chan clicks his tongue "I was just heading back there, if you wanna come with" Hyunjin offers, Chan agrees with his dongsaeng and goes to check on his baby. When he enters the dance studio, he sees a pitiful sight

Felix is laying in Minhos lap as Minho is holding the ice pack up to his forehead and trying to lull him to sleep. The members then talk for a little while trying to let Felix rest. On the other hand, Felix can't sleep. His keeps drifting close to rest but as soon as he's about to, a heat flash wakes him back up

Chan grabs his phone and was about to text the members but he remembers he has no service. He lets out an annoyed groan "I'm gonna go find everyone else, stay here with Felix okay?" Chan puts Hyunjin in charge, and he quickly leaves to find the other members

Soon enough, he finds Jisung, Changbin, and Seungmin. So those three go to where Hyunjin is while Chan goes to find Jeongin. After about 15 minutes Chan and Jeongin come back

Seungmin, Changbin, Jisung, and Minho laid out their jackets on the leather sofa so Felix can get comfy. Felix makes grabby hands at Chan "D-...daddy...." Felix whines

Felix's voice is quite hoarse, Chan can't help but take pity on his baby. Chan lays Felix down and covers his legs with one of the jackets "Yes sweets, daddy's here...I heard you're feeling icky, hm?" Felix gives an exhausted nod and lays his head on the pillow

Chan takes another ice pack and a frozen water bottle, he places them on Felix's forehead and the back of his head. Felix lets out a content whine and soon enough falls asleep, Chan kisses his forehead softly "Sleep well, baby....."

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