Chapter 5: Pei Yufeng

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When the portal closed, Luo Xue found herself in a completely unexpected place. She was now in a bustling city, with mortals everywhere.

Luo Xue raised a brow. She didn't know that the punishment realm had more than one exit.

As Luo Xue strolled down the street, she glanced around, taking in the sights and sounds.

In the early morning, the air was filled with the sounds of lively chatter and the rhythm of footsteps. Some people were busy haggling, while others were still setting up their stores. Children could be seen carrying a book as they walked by, and their servants faithfully following behind. There was no one not occupied with their own matters.

Upon reaching what appeared to be a luxurious teahouse, Luo Xue breathed a sigh of relief. At the moment, she did not know her whereabouts, but thankfully, once she arrived here, her predicament would be resolved.

Right as she was about to enter the establishment, an unkempt child suddenly bumped into her, causing her robes to be covered in filth.

Instinctively, Luo Xue raised her guard and prepared to attack. Yet as soon as she caught sight of his emaciated and malnourished appearance, she hesitated. Before she could take a closer look, she heard loud cries, clamours, and whipping sounds from behind. She quickly sidestepped while pulling the child along, keeping him close.


A coachman, struggling to regain control over his horse, screamed at the top of his lungs. His carriage had gone out of control, knocking down many carts along the way. He desperately tried to stop the horse by whipping it, but it became even more agitated.

In a fit of rage, the horse kicked the carriage!

The harness attaching the horse to the carriage instantly snapped, sending the carriage flying!

The crowd cried out in fear, afraid to witness the tragedy unfold.

The terrified coachman braced himself for impact, clutching his seat for dear life. Before the carriage could even plummet, an invisible force wrapped itself around the vehicle as it gradually descended upright. When the carriage touched the ground, the horse had miraculously regained its composure, as if its previous frenzy had never happened.

The child watched Luo Xue's hand rise and fall, but said nothing.

A meek neigh from the horse snapped everyone out of their daze.

"My goodness! How?"

"What did I just witness?"

The crowd buzzed with excitement. Majority of them were at varying stages of Qi Refining realm and had little to no knowledge of cultivation. Dabbling in cultivation was merely a means to extend their lifespan, so that display seemed like a mysterious performance to them.

While everyone was busy speculating about what had just occurred, Luo Xue had already looked away. What she did was a simple feat, so she didn't expect any recognition.

Moreover, she was rather concerned about the boy who ran into her. With her cultivation now at Nascent Soul realm, her physical body would have undergone a corresponding increase in strength. Bumping into her could seriously injure the other person.

As Luo Xue leaned over to check the boy's body for any injuries, a pleasantly sweet voice caught her attention. Finding it strangely familiar, she turned her head, only to stop when she noticed her sleeve being tugged. She looked at the boy, his small hands clinging to her sleeve while his piercing gaze locked onto her.

For a moment, she felt something unusual in those black eyes.

Before she could delve into her thoughts, the crowd split, creating a path for a graceful young lady in blue heading towards her.

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