Chapter Thirty Three

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a/n: unedited.


Belinha had returned with Lord Caldwell to Lord Weston's house to drop Miss Cavendish back home. There was a comfortable silence that hung between them, no words required for what had occurred.

To her surprise, however, Miss Cavendish and Lady Harriet were now laughing with each other, speaking of unfiltered romantic aspirations. She shared a look of bewildered amusement with the Marquess when neither of them noticed their presence. 

"—I never knew you were so fond of my bullheaded brother," the redhead girl was saying.

"Yes, well, dare I say it, the bullheadedness happens to be his most attractive feature."

Lord Caldwell cleared his throat in an exaggeratedly loud way, drawing their attention. "You are lucky that it was us that walked through that door," he said with a barely concealed smile.

Miss Cavendish rolled her eyes as she stood up from the bed. "If he had heard and decided to inflict his scoldings upon me, so help me, I will have beaten him."

"Miss Cavendish," gasped Belinha. She hadn't known she was so violent! Lady Harriet's skin paled, once again as she looked between Belinha and Lord Caldwell.

"May I ask how Lord Beau is faring?" she asked meekly. "I am sure he is aware of my...predicament and hates me well and truly so."

"He is aware," said Lord Caldwell, "but he could never hate a dear friend of his. This will only strengthen his resolve, nevermind how painful it will be in the given moment. Do not worry about him, he is a strong boy. Focus on your own troubles."

Belinha thought of the poor young boy who attempted to conceal how he truly felt like his older brother. It was in that thought that she had begged, or convinced somehow, Lord Caldwell to be more open so his brother could be, as well. It would not do for a young boy to be holding in his pain.

Anything could result as the pain would be too unbearable and she cared too much for the family now to have another bad event plague them.

"Are you ready to leave, Miss Cavendish?" asked Lord Caldwell, bringing her back to reality. Her new friend looked bashful, scratching at her gloved hand.

"I was hoping if I may stay behind for a while? I would like to keep Lady Harriet some company." The girl in question beamed at the woman standing beside her. "Besides, I would like to have a stern word with her brother when he comes back."

"Are you sure that is a smart idea?" asked Belinha, unable to keep the dripping concern from her voice.

"Oh yes. If not now, then it may not ever get through his thick skull. He is a kind, understanding man even if he demeans me in the most vile manner and I believe with the right persuasions, he will come to relent."

A clear of the throat made Belinha whip around, the gasp stuck in the base of her throat. Lord Weston had appeared in the doorway, staring Miss Cavendish down; his dark, opaque eyes glimmered though there was no coldness to them. It was rather soft with his cheeks tinged a little pink. Had he heard her words? Miss Cavendish's deep blush told Belinha that she was wondering the same.

Lord Caldwell hovered his hand behind the small of her back, the gentlest, feather of touches. "Perhaps this is our cue to leave, Miss Price?" he leaned in to whisper. She could only nod, not wanting to ruin whatever moment would transpire.

"I should hope to speak to you soon, Caldwell," said Lord Weston with a humph. "Do not think this...moment of weakness spares you."

Lord Caldwell only responded with a cheeky grin and ushered Belinha out. He mussed his hair before replacing the hat that he had tucked under his arm.

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