💙 Chapter Eleven 💙

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Author's pov

One week later

Everything went back to normal. Yoongi ensured that the security in the palace was tightened and Hoseok informed the citizens. Things were going on well for now since Jungwon didn't try anything yet.

Currently, Yoongi is on his way to Jimin after gathering all his courage and taking permission from Tae. He decided to confess his feelings today. He nervously walked to Jimin's room and knocked.

"Come in" Jimin said from the other side.

Yoongi opened the door gently a walked. Jimin glared at him suspiciously.

"What?" Jimin asked harshly not in the mood to fight.

"I want to talk to you." Yoongi managed to say without stuttering.

"Oh, what does the great army General wants to discuss with me because as far as I know we have nothing to discuss about" Jimin said mockingly not making any move to sit up from his bed.

"Please Jimin" Yoongi pleaded his voice wavering a bit.

Jimin sighed loudly and got up.

"Okay, let's talk" Jimin said and moved to go out.

"But where are you going?" Yoongi asked

"To the garden.We need to talk where people can see us. So that at least we won't kill each other" Jimin said rolling his eyes.

"Okay" Yoongi said and followed behind Jimin.

They both walked to the garden side to side none of them uttering a word.

Soon they reached the garden and sat next to each other.

"Tell me what to you want to talk about?" Jimin asked. Yoongi fiddled with his fingers nervously.

He looks nervous. Is he going to confess? Even if he confesses I am not for giving him that easily. He hurt me so much.Jimin thought eyeing Yoongi quietly waiting for him to speak.

What if he rejects me? No even if he rejects me I will follow him till he accepts me. Yoongi thought finally gaining confidence because no matter what he ain't giving up on Jimin.

"Yah, Hyung you are wasting my time " Jimin said snapping Yoongi out of his daze.

"Mochi" Yoongi called making Jimin"s heart flutter as it has been a long time him by a nickname. They were always at each other's neck never got time to call each other nicknames.

"I am sorry" Yoongi said trying to hold Jimin's hands but Jimin swatted his hand away. Yoongi looked down sadly.

"For what?" Jimin asked coldly despite knowing what Yoongi was talking about.

"For everything. I am sorry for rejecting you. I was scared." Yoongi asked tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"Why were you scared,huh?" Jimin asked his voice sounding harsh. More tears fell from Yoongi's eyes.

"I thought Tae wouldn't approve of us." Yoongi explained his voice cracking at the end making Jimin swiftly turn to look at him. His heart clenched at the sight.

He put aside his ego and embraced Yoongi in his arms trying to make him stop crying.

"You idiot, Hyung had already approved of us even before I proposed you." Jimin said patting his back gently.

Yoongi sobs finally died down and he pulled back from the hug muttering a small thank you to Jimin for comforting him.

Yoongi pulled out a jewellery box.

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