Prologue (1/2)

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"*SLAM*" The sound of a vicious bang from a man slamming his hands down on a podium. He stood in what seemed to be a courtroom of sorts. A multitude of professionally dressed people seemed to sit around the "courtroom," observing what would commence after a jaw dropping announcement, made by the judge. The judge had many roles in this room, a principal, his employer, and his mentor.

"What do you mean I'm being sent as a student to UA?!" The indigo haired boy protested, clear shock and anger with what has occurred, "You ALL know I am an established professor, one of the best at this darned academy, so why am I being demoted and transferred, to a student of all things? I am fully capable! I've graduated already!"

"Ahem. If I may, Mr. Ratio, even with you protecting the Intelligentsia Guild Hero School, against Ruan Mei's... creation, you have caused mass amounts of private property destruction. Since it was both your's and Miss Ruan Mei's creation who did so, both are held accountable. This is the next best thing than paying a far greater amount of credits that you, yourself do not possess." The judge stated, "To further add to that, the... constructs from your quirk that you have left at the scene has caused further damage."

"The second attack, from Genius Herta's Phase Flame Curio that was recklessly stolen, may not of caused any damage on Herta SS Hero School nor injuries but left victims with mental trauma."

"Without my participation, you must account that there would of been nothing left from the destruction that so called "emanator of propagation." This whole entire country would of been bulldozed in the matter of the 56 seconds that creature stayed alive!" The now named person, Veritas Ratio, objected, "You could at least of given me a thanks?! Instead, I am sent across the globe to some other "hero school," not to mention how Ruan Mei is not punished as severely as I am? She could, and WOULD make another one of those emanators in her crude experimentations to become an aeon!"

"Those researchers would of been decaying flesh and bones if it were not for me!"

He heard a mutter, which echoed across the courtroom, "Big talk for such an insufferable man." Then another. There were hushed whispers across the room. "Narcissist." "Self-centred." His pride was hurt. But he'd never admit to that.


So with that eventful evening, Dr. Ratio had been forced to pack his bags and be flown off to Japan. What a pity. In Ruan Mei's attempt to accent to godhood, or whatever she was aiming to become, she ruined his perfect, not-so-perfect, life. Great.

He was tired, he was annoyed, and most importantly, he was pissed. So, he concealed his head in an alabaster head. He couldn't bare to see or be near any idiots, nor would they be pleased to see him either, he was doing both a favour and keeping the world at bay.

He saved the country, and in return got sent out of the country. Foolish Higher-Ups.


"..." He arrived to an expensive looking penthouse. Good. He should expect nothing less for his living quarters, it was the least those unfair swines could do. "Hmph."

There were many books lining the walls of this penthouse, it looked good too, and oh! Peaking into the bathroom... there was a white bathtub with small accents of gold next to window that could be moved. There were very thin curtains and vines decorating the room, with a variety flowers and herbs he could toss into the water. He could tell he would enjoy spending his time in this room.

Infact, he should take a bath right this moment, one could only stay covered in filth for so long. Not to mention the filth in their minds that could be washed away with a nice bath. Yes, that sounded enjoyable.

Veritas grabbed a random book off one of the shelves (he knew that the higher ups would of filled this penthouse with books he would enjoy, no one wanted to deal with a bitter Dr. Ratio), and opened the large window that took up the entirety of the wall that faced the balcony. He took his clothes off, making sure to add damask roses and rosemary to the water before joining them in the bathtub. It was just at the right temperature.

"Sigh... How relaxing."


He turned his head around, already expecting who it was who entered the room "...The fall out of the incident at the Intelligentsia Guild Hero School still remains. Surely you have more pressing matters to attend to? Or is the safety of the Guild beneath your beneath your concerns... Screwllum?"



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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