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2 January 12:16am

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2 January 12:16am

Riki, i'm sorry
it had to be this way
honestly i like you too
you're a great person

but no expectations alright?
i appreciate that you're willing
to wait for me to heal and i
seriously feel shitty that i still
can't get over my past wounds

i've grown attached to you
because you were there during
my lowest times, i guess that
counts for something right?
but i'm also being careful that
i don't take advantage of your
kindness towards me, really
i hope you know i mean well.
for me, it's all in or nothing
and i don't want to give you
false hopes when i'm not ready

i understand
i just wanted to let it out
or the regret will consume
me later, when it's too late
i hope i wasn't selfish and
that it doesn't compel you
to make any harsh decisions

if anything, i'm grateful
i know it takes a lot of courage
to tell someone ab how you
truly feel, guys especially

i hope you remember that when
your past becomes overbearing
at times, remember you're
more than what hurt you

you really know how to
comfort people with your words,
don't you? 🙃

all the more reason to
date me, i guess?
no i'm kidding
now's def not the time

we really can't be serious for
more than an hour,can we? lol

i shouldn't have ruin the mood
but i want you to know that
if this gets too much for you,
don't hesitate to tell me

sorry, shitty connectivity
let me know when's your
return flight to korea
goodnight Jiwoo


i really do suck at waiting
for replies huh lol
i'll be returning on the
5th since my classes are
starting on the 8th


Konon 🤍

Today 02:27pm

Konon,are you free?

what's up babygirl
tell me, is it okay if
we text?? wi-fi's down

no problem,
is Riki still asleep?

he sure is,
bet y'all were up all night
texting some cringy stuff
ew i don't want to know

come on! 😂
you seriously can't
do this to me

as much as i love you
i don't want to know
that side of my brother

it's nothing like what
you're imagining it to be
but he IS good with words
and NOT in the cheesy way

okay enough of that
tell me what's up?
or did you just text me
to ask about my brother?
did our friendship really
not mean anything to you?

stop being dramatic omg
look who's talkingggg
i wonder who ghosted who

okay fine you got me there
but i really wasn't in a
good place back then 😭
we talked ab this on the phone

i'm just messing with you
when are you leaving?
istg our timing sucks fr

on 4th, 6pm🤧
ikrr, i would've loved
to meet up and maybe
introduced both of you too

no way, i'm returning
the next day 🥺💔

wow that really sucks
next time for sure but only
if you're still in korea

i actually wanted to
talk about that🙃
just when i thought i hit
rock bottom, sigh
i couldn't clear my SAT
and to say my parents are
'upset' with me is an

my love, you can tell me
anything! i'm always here
for you. go on, tell me

i got into a huge argument
with them because they never
get what i'm going through
i try so hard to be the good
daughter they want me to be
but they're never satisfied:)
honestly it's just tiring and
the pressure is really weighing
down on me, i was okay
leaving the country but
it's like the universe is
against me too and
i honestly don't know anymore
i don't know how to say this
without making you a little
uncomfortable bc you're not used
to this side of your brother

i'm sorry you have to go
through all that, love
if there's anything i can
do to help or make you feel
better, please let me know,
sucks how i'm not there
for you right now:(

no, why are you apologising
this is all on me, having to listen
to my rant is also a big thing dw

now tell me what
about my brother,
i hope he didn't put you
in any bad situation

if anything, he helped me
through a rough patch
he's a great person, and i
wish i wasn't so messed up.
i think it's cause i've been
treated so wrong that being
treated right suddenly feels
wrong like i don't deserve him
ours def wasn't a meet-cute
you already know but somewhere
along those days of constant
texting, i think we formed some
mutual feelings towards eo,
but i'm awfully scarred and
as much as i want to give us
a chance, i think i need more time

love, look
you REALLY deserve
to be treated with love
but if you're not ready now,
it's okay to prioritise
your well-being. It's okay to
feel sad in the process because
your emotions are valid and
healing takes time. i know
you're doing this for the best.
and it's okay to be selfish,
if it means becoming a better
version of yourself, you'll
realize how brave and wise
you were to make the right
decision now.


Author's note 💌:
My Konon character is basically my bestie irl!! Do i sense a sad ending? Mmm, brace yourself cause the next chapter MIGHT break hearts.

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