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Warning: make out ahead? Ahh, idk if i should put a warning but it's better than to not put a head's up. For the kids :)


Jake stopped pulling Eunji once they reached the underground parking lot.

She avoided his gaze when the man faced her and looked at the familiar car they are standing next to.

It's a black g-wagon. And Eunji is so sure Jake owns it since she remember him using that car in their school before.

"You were avoiding me. "

Eunji stepped back when Jake took a step closer to her. Her back bumping the behind her.

Jake stopped right in front of her, his arm resting next to her, caging her.

"Why were you avoiding me? " His voice was low, demanding for answer. "You're avoiding me and would even consider another man to kiss you. "

That one was not a question, it's a statement. Eunji bit her lip while shutting her eyes tightly.

"But I did not. You stopped— "

"Then you would let him if I wasn't there, is that what you are saying? "

"Why do you care? " Maybe it's the alcohol that's talking now. "Why do you care if I'd let him kiss me? We're not a thing so why do you care? "

Eunji saw how Jake clenched his jaw from what she said. She's overflowing with confidence now, and it's probably the alcohol's doing.

Because if she would be sane right now, there is no way she would held her head high and say those.

"I like yo— "

"And so what? You like me and what? You don't want commitment, you yourself told me that." She interrupted him and started pushing his shoulders. "So what if you like me? We're not committed to each other, thus you have no right to be mad if I'd let other man kiss me. "

Instead of reply with the same frustration, Jake snorted. He smirked. "You're frustrated, baby. Is that why you were avoiding me? "

"You don't reply yo my texts and even avoided me in school. " He nodded as if he realizes something. " Why didn't you tell me you want label? "

Eunji blinked. The confidence she possesses earlier is now gone. Not even a slightest  bit left in her system. "W-what? "

"I thought you didn't like labels, that's why I didn't bring it up. "He stated leaning closer. "Why didn't you communicate, hmm? "

"I-i..."  Having him this close, too close to be exact, to the point their noses barely touching, Eunji couldn't find her words.

The corner of Jake's lips tugged upward. "Let's settle this now, baby. " He leaned even more. Now, their nose are pressed touching, lips just centimeters away from each other. "Will you be my girlfriend? "

Eunji didn't answer. Instead, she leaned forward, letting the alcohol to take over her. She leaned forward and was about to press her lips against his.

But he backed away before it touches his.

"I won't kiss you unless this is settled. I don't like you being upset. I don't like you kissing me thinking it's only because of the stupid game. " He spoke. "So tell me, will you be my girlfriend, Eunji? "

Eunji bit her lips then nodded, attempting to kiss him but the man shook his head.

"I need words, baby. "

Feeling impatient, Eunji finally use her words. "Yes! I would love to be your fucking girlfrie— "

Jake didn't let Eunji finish her sentence as he immediately slammed his lips against her.

Their lips were pressed against each other at first. Neither of them moved their lips. But after Eunji, snaking her arms around his neck and pulled a strand of his hair, Jake understood what she wanted to say.

And so he moved his lips against hers, deepening the kiss all the while wrapping his arms around her small waist, pulling her body impossibly closer to his.

The kiss was intense, but it feels so good. It's addicting. So so addicting to the point Eunji wouldn't mind kissing him all day.

And she would love every bit of it.

Jake's lips moved against hers which she returned with the same intensity. His tongue poked her lips, testing the waters. Asking for entrance, for consent which she allowed as the kiss was deepened even more. His tongue entered inside her mouth, exploring every corner of it.

When the lack of oxygen became prominent, Jake pulled back and rests his forehead against hers. Their eyes were close as they catch their breath.

The kiss, it was amazing. And what makes it amazing and perfect even more was how she's sharing it with him.

Him, and nothing else.

Eunji opened her eyes and sow his midnight orbs looking at her. Jake smiled, leaning forward and pecked her lips one last time before backing away.

Jake reached something beside her. A click was heard and the next thing she knew is him, opening the door for her.

"I'll take you home. " He spoke.

Eunji blinked, realizing what just happened.

Yes, maybe she's no longer drunk and know what she's doing but one thing is for sure, she's drunk from the kiss they have shared.

She smiled and climbed inside. Her eyes widening as her hand cupped her lips upon a sudden realization.

I'm now his girlfriend.

His first fucking girlfriend!

Indeed she is. And just like her, Jake is also her first boyfriend. And that makes everything between them perfect.

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