Hawkman and Hawkgirl

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And Katar's ship then closely came
To high armada Thangar claimed
To one that led and father held
Where king in time of war did dwell.

Into the ship the prince does go
Into the place his fate abodes
And hands are seized by guards and deigned
To throne where father present reined.

Who was Sky Tyrant Thangar's king
Who will of all their world did deem
And king then spoke and traitor deigned
The one who bore his royal name.

"A martyr deemed I soon to be
As such by covert will decreed
When secret signal sent I forth
To throw your vessel far from course

You bid to take yet here you stand
Your life again I hold in hand.
And only treason's thing I bid
Allowed the prince to onward live

Perhaps with foes you well conspired
To cease this armies coming fire?"

And prince was struck to hear him speak
And know his father death did seek
So Katar bid his father say
Why man his son would deem to slay

"Have many kings not fell to ground
Before a son who early crown
Would seek yet raised by glory won
By war that heir had recent done

No threat to throne I'll long endure
While ways of sword become inured
In hand of son who'd try to reign
And from my hand my throne obtain."

And Katar knew that Thangar's ways
Had led a man his son to slay.
And man his eyes did briefly close
For final breath he last reposed.

Hey guys I hope you like the chapter. Hawkman's dad is not very nice is he? Please vote comment and share!!!

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