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I inhale a deep breath and walk into the room I was directed towards.

"Welcome, Toni. Are you enjoying your party?" He says, menacingly waiting for me at the table.

"Yes, it's lovely. Thank you, President Snow" I give him a slight bow.

He laughs. "No need for such formalities, Toni. We're friends after all. Aren't we?" he asks. I can hear his smug undertone even if it wasn't meant to be heard.

I give him an obviously fake smile. "Just cut to the chase, Mr. President" I say, sitting down.

"Quite a direct one, hmm? Right, well as you know, you used the arena in ways you shouldn't have. And I have killed entire families for far less" he states, trying to scare me.

"Hmm. But you won't kill mine if I allow you to sell my body. Is that correct?" I say, still not showing weakness in front of the old man.

He chuckles at me. "Smart girl. I see you catch on quickly. Yes, that is correct. So do we have your consent?" he says, condescendingly.

"Yes, you do. Not that it counts as consent" I say with a scoff.

"Careful with that attitude there, Golden Girl" he mocks.

"What are you gonna do, old man? Kill my family? But then I sadly wouldn't be able to satisfy your needy clientele" I say with a worse attitude, knowing he couldn't really do anything else to me.

He just sighs at me.

"Now a victor tour usually ends with the victor back in their district until they have to mentor, but you'll be staying in the Capitol until the reaping. You see, Toni. Our 'needy clientele' simply cannot wait to get their hands on you" he says, almost proud to be ruining my life like this.

"Perfect. So I can be excused now, then?" I grit out, not allowing him the satisfaction to see me upset.

I stand up and leave the room, seeing Finnick and Johanna waiting for me outside the hallway.

He follows me out to talk to me.

"One more thing, Toni. Are you a virgin?" he asks with a smirk.

He's clearly been trying to get a rise out of me this whole time. And since I didn't give him the satisfaction of a reaction, he's asking me this question in front of my new friends. How low can a man go?

"What makes you think you have the right to ask me that question?" I snap at him. I step towards him in anger but Johanna catches my arm to calm me down.

"Well I need to label my products, don't I? Virgins sell for more money" he says, as if it was nothing. As if he wasn't satisfied to be getting this reaction out of me.

I scoff. "Well then I'm not a virgin. Sorry" I say.

Snow laughs at me. "But if you were one, then I'd tell your first client to be gentle with you. Wouldn't want your first time to hurt too badly, would you?" he smirks at me, almost mockingly.

I scoff and turn away, not responding.

"If I don't think you're being truthful, I can order a medical examination for you" he says.

I clench my jaw and turn back to face him. I feel Johanna's grip on my arm tighten a bit.

"Fine, then. I'm a virgin. Happy?" I snap at him.

He chuckles at me. What a piece of shit.

"Fairly, yes. I've rented you the penthouse luxury suite of the nearby Hotel Crane to... work in. Along with one of their rooms for your living quarters." he says.

I nod and then walk off, with Johanna and Finnick behind me.

"Ugh, we should just kill that sick fuck" Johanna says angrily, not caring whether or not Snow was out of earshot.

I nod in agreement. "I wish" I scoff.

Then I see Finnick looking at me with sad eyes.

"Stop it!" I push him gently. "Stop looking at me like I'm some dying puppy. I'll be fine. And plus, you guys hardly know me" I scold him.

"We know you, Three. We were you. Though I suspect you'll have it worse, seeing as he's not even letting you go home right now" Finnick responds.

"Why don't we stay with you?" he prompts.

"No, Finnick. You need to go home to Annie and your family. Here, I'll stay with her. Got nothing better to do" Johanna suggests.

"Fine, how about I stay for just a week. I can give you some advice if you need it" Finnick says.

I smile. "Thanks guys. Really" is all I think of to show my gratitude.

"Hey. It's why we came to this party in the first place. Figured the newbie would could use some help" Johanna says.

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