Chapter 15

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Three months later

Amara's pov:

For the past three months, I kept myself away from Damien. We do sometimes meet in the kitchen, or eat lunch and dinner together, but we never had a conversation.

I had been visiting my parents house more than usual. Damien didn't mind that but he let me take bodyguards wherever I go. I want to ask him about going back to my job. I really want to.

Two months ago I met a girl at the mall , her name is Delaney. We became good friends. We usually hang out at her house and the park next to it. From my last name , she knew that I belong to a mafia family. And she knew that I recently got married. But she didn't mind that.

It's 2 am. I'm in my room watching Gossip Girls. Through the episode, I heard a slight knock on the door. I opened it , and what I saw was shocking. Damien was covered in blood , from his face to his feet.

"D-Damien ! Oh god what happened ?". He didn't answer me , he kept looking at me , maybe he just needs some help.

I took his hand and lead him to the bathroom. He sat on the toilet while I searched for the aid kit , I always keep one in my bathroom for accidents like these.

I walked over him with it. I put some alcohol on a cotton ball then looked at his face.

"Show me your cuts". He pointed on his forehead and neck.

"Okay. This might hurt but umm , you'll be fine".

I put the cotton on his forehead and he didn't move a bit. I continued cleaning his forehead and neck and put bandage on the cuts. I cleaned the rest of his face and neck with a wet towel.

"Do you have any other cuts ? On your body ?".

He took off his shirt , revealing his tattooed chest. He turned his back to me , showing me three more cuts.

"These are really deep , I need to stitch them okay ?". He nodded his head as an answer , so I stitched them. He didn't flinch at all , which really impressed me.

If I was in the same situation, I would scream my lungs out.

He turned to face me again. His eyes met mine for the first time in three months. I let my eyes travel around his face. After a minute of staring into each other's eyes , he stood up and walked out of my room.

That was weird. He could've gone to a doctor or something. Anyways that doesn't matter. I laid back on my bed and continued watching the show.

15 minutes later, Damien walked in my room and stood by the door. His hair was wet , and he was in fresh clothes. I paused the show as he sat on the edge of my bed. He didn't say anything, so I had to asked him.

"Who have you those cuts ?"

"Just got into a fight with some gang"

"You good now ?"


"T-the why are you here ? Don't get me wrong bu-"

"My shitty father got some stripper pregnant few years ago. She came in my office this morning with a kid. She told me it's my sister but I didn't believe her. She gave me a DNA test , showing me it's really my fathers daughter , and my sister !"

He continued "Amara I can't deal with more problems ! I have a mafia to lead and I have you and many more problems that I can't handle ! I'm not a robot ! I don't know what to do with that child !"

"Why didn't she gave her to your father ?"

"Because she knew he would kill her. My father doesn't have a heart , he wouldn't care if she's a baby or an adult"

"Where's the girl right now ?"

"With her mother. She said she can't take care of a child , then why didn't you get a fucking miscarriage ?"

"Damien it's hard for a mother to kill her child."

"But Amara , I can't take the child ! I can't deal with kids ! All they do is cry and scream 'I want this and I want that !'. I just can't imagine myself with kids"

I moved closer to him and rubbed his back.

"Hey , everything is gonna be okay. I'm here with you. Never forget that you have a wife who can take care of you. We can do this together."

I gave him a reassuring smile. He looked in my eyes like he had no one by his side , which is true. I wrapped my arm around him and patted his back.

"I don't deserve you , Amara. I really don't"

I couldn't believe what I heard. His words made my heart melt. I didn't have an answer , so I just hugged him.

"I promise you to be a better husband"

This is too much , my heart can't handle this.

"Damien , you're so cute". I squished his cheeks between my fingers. He looked at me with an annoyed expression. I giggled and moved my hand.

"So , tomorrow I have to bring the girl"

"Yeah. You know , I'm kind of excited to see her."



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