Build your books

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The first thing which makes a reader click on your book to read are five factors: Your reads, votes and Your book cover, the Title and description.

The first impression is a make it or break it, and these things are what get your readers to click on your book and read it through.

When readers see that others have engaged positively with the book, it builds a level of trust. It's a psychological phenomenon where people often rely on the opinions and actions of others to guide their own behavior.

Authors and publishers invest time and effort into optimizing these elements to create a strong first impression and increase the likelihood of attracting readers.

The book title should be catchy and unique, it should draw eyes and say, yes, this is a book I certainly want to read, but shouldn't be click bait.

The book cover should scream I'm a professional, represent your book and its aesthetic, it should not be scrambled up or mismatched. If you can't do it yourself, there are many people on here who are willing to do it for you.

The description should be mysterious, leaving them to want more and more. For your complete transformation of your book, become our member

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