chapter ten

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I swear I could hear a hairpin drop the moment my sister laid her eyes on the pretty girl next to me. Her deep blue eyes started at the green ones for like what felt hours- but it was probably five seconds. Recognition written all over her face, Aurora meets my eyes.

"What is she doing here?" she points at Willow with her thumb, brows furrowed together and I repress a smile seeing how dramatic she is. "Don't smile. What is she doing here?"

I blow out a breath, rolling my eyes. Willow is dead silent next to me and I have the urge to put myself in front of her to protect her- which is stupid, she's taller and older than me. I'm probably like a baby kitten next to her.
"I told you I signed up for the dance classes and we're doing a showcase on December."

My sister runs a hand through her ginger hair. "Doesn't explain why she's here. Do you dance?" her words are directed to Willow but I answer first.

"No, she sings. She has to sing a song and I have to build a dance to it- now, stop intimidating her." I walk to my sister, placing both hands on her chest as I push her outside my room. "Don't be mean."

My sister gasps, and her eyes widen. "I'm not mean! She made you cry."

"She didn't make me cry." I roll my eyes. "I was having a bad day and she found me, then you found me and the rest is history." I'm well aware that Willow is behind me listening to me lying to my sister.
I don't usually lie- never to my family but if Aurora thinks someone hurt me, she's going to make them her number one enemy. She takes the big sister role very seriously. And if she makes someone her enemy, Lucas makes them his enemy and then the entire hockey team and... Yeah, it's just better if I lie. It's Willow! She's nice! Right?

Aurora narrows her eyes in suspicion and then blows a long sigh. "Okay," she leans in. "I still don't like her."

"Gotta get used to her because we're working on this for the next three months." I grin, raising my brows. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't be you be at the center?"

"I was there with mom when she called you and asked me to check on you." that explains why she's still in her training clothes. "Have you eaten yet?"

"I'm busy. Let's talk later." I push her softly again until she's in the hallway. "Love you." I say before closing the door in her face after seeing her roll her eyes at me.

I turn around, finding Willow in the same place I left her.
I've had a lot of people shocked at who my family is- Willow hasn't even said anything about them yet and I wonder if she googled them or if her family watched hockey games. Every person that got close to me, only wanted me for my moms- used me for their talents, even used me for mine but Willow... she never mentioned my moms or my life- expect for the first time but she was mad. I understand, she was hurt and I was the person hurting her. I won't hold it against her because she seems like a genuinely nice person.

"So..." I press my lips together, arms crossed over my chest.

A soft laugh escapes her lips. "So, your sister hates me."

"She doesn't. She's just very protective of me." I shrug.

"Why'd you lie to her?" she questions, lowering her voice like she's asking for a secret. "I hurt you. I made you cry."

My heart squeezes in my chest as I look for the right words to answer. I sit on the edge of my bed, hugging a pillow over my stomach. "Aurora is very protective of me," I repeat. "If someone hurts me, she... she's going to make you her number one enemy and I... I don't know, you don't deserve that."

"I'm growing on you." she grins, showing off two dimples that make my heart race.
She has dimples!

"You could say that." I shrug, chewing the inside of my cheek.

dancing in the stars (ballerina x singer wlw romance) Where stories live. Discover now