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As the bell rings, Isaac walks out of the gymnasium and follows after a talkative Jessica, a smitten Mike, and an uncomfortable Bella.

Isaac walked with his hands behind his back, and a neutral face as he followed his fellow lunch mates to the canteen.

When he sat down at the table he pulled out his lunch pail from his backpack.

He had made himself some shepherd's pie last night and kept it in a stasis charm so it would stay good.

He cast a wordless heating charm on the food and dug into his meal whilst he listened to the chatter of the students sitting at the same table as him.

Most of it was more insecure talk from Jessica some awkward looks or words from Bella, some very flirty comments from the other guys, and a nice girl with a camera mourning her loss of topic for the school's paper.

Of course Bella seemed to feel bad and was offering alternative topics she could write about when suddenly the canteen went dead silent.

Isaac saw Bella turn around and become quiet as well, so he turned his head to see what the big deal was when he felt a chill go down his spine.

Isaac blinked when a gaggle of beautiful and pale teens with the exact same eye color as Rosalie walked in.

His eyes widened.

Of course! The Cold Ones! They'd learnt about them in Defence Against the Dark Arts during their lessons with Remus back in third year.

How come he hadn't noticed before hand?

Also, it was highly unusual for a bunch of vampires to live a normal life, most of the time they liked to stay away from most of the general public for risk of being exposed.

So he wondered why a group of them were going to high school.

He tuned back into the conversation when Bella started to talk.

"Who are they?" He heard her ask.

It seemed as if Jessica had waited her whole life to answer this question.

She leaned forward, lowered her voice to a whisper that she didn't know that they could still hear with their enhanced hearing, and began to gossip about who they were as if they were celebrities of some sort.

This just made Isaac happy that the Americas don't keep up too much with the British royalties.

He didn't need people all up in his business.

Or knowing just how rich he is.

He knew first hand what a jealous friend looked like, growing up with Ron Weasley who had taught him that.

Ron was the type to wish for things that he couldn't have, but be angry at the ones who did have what he wanted.

He'd grown out of that phase, especially after the war where Fred died in.

The war has taught him that his greatest treasure is family, and that he had been taking his family for granted.

Now, Ron is a big family man, he doesn't care much for the fame that he received because it came at the cost of so many lives.

He finally understands where Harry had come from when he said fame wasn't a happy thing.

But, a cool thing that did come out of this fame, according to all four of them, was their chocolate frog cards.

It lists all their achievements to date which included their British Royalty titles, their positions in the War, (Harry was the leader of the Rebellion, also known as a Field Marshall, Isaac was his right hand man and so was dubbed the General, Hermione was basically the Captain, and Ron was the Lieutenant.), their other titles like for Harry he is Lord Potter, for Isaac it says Lord Black.

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