
48 8 0

September 6, 2026

After a quick cold shower I couldn't fight the fatigue plaguing my body any longer, deciding a nap sounded like an irresistible idea. Warmth spread throughout my body as I nuzzled myself under the thick white comforter. My eyes quickly grew heavier staring at the clock that depicted eight forty-two with its hands. They fluttered a couple of times before remaining shut, and it didn't take me much longer to drift off.

I grumbled as I felt something shaking against my arm. My eyes flickered open to see Ezra sitting against my bed, worry plastered on his face.

"Are you okay?" his voice conveying the concern he felt.

"Yeah... Yeah I'm fine," I mumbled sitting upright, the cool air invading my body.

"Are you sick?" His eyes scanned across my face.

"No, they just took a lot of blood." I forced a smile to ease the worry he wore.

My eyes widened as they landed on the clock, "Holy shit it's almost five."

"Yes it is sleeping beauty," he laughed. "You slept until dinner."

I ran my hand over my face, my gaze landing on the package of chocolate chip cookies beside the clock. I snatched the package, ripping it open, holding out one of the cookies to Ezra, "Saved this so you could have one too."

"Don't tell me you are going all soft on me," he smirked, capturing the cookie from my hand. Sweets like this were rare down here, a rarity I would feel guilty keeping all to myself.

I felt a smile tug at my lips as I nudged his shoulder. I bit into my cookie, releasing nostalgia from a world that no longer exists. I felt my smile fall, as I looked over at him. He raised one of his dark eyebrows at my expression.

"Ethan said something to me..." I trailed off, trying to figure out how to word this.

A melody of horror and anger spewed across his face, "What did he say?"

"He told me to stop toying with you... Do you feel like I'm toying with you?" I questioned, my eyes gauging his reaction.

He shook his head, his features softening, "No. Honestly I will take you in any capacity you give me. I'd rather have a part of you than not have you at all."

I stared into his hypnic, piercing eyes feeling my heart roughly thrashing against my chest. Without warning my lips crashed against his. The taste of the cookie still lingering on his lips. It wasn't like our usual heated, hungry make out sessions. It was tender and sweet, flooding my chest with warmth. My fingers threaded through his silky hair, tugging him closer. Our deal was no public affection, so this doesn't count as breaking my rules right?

His soft lips moved in harmony with mine, his hand cupping my cheek. He gently nipped my bottom lip with his teeth before resting his forehead against mine. His thumb faintly brushed against my skin. "Any capacity," he whispered, his eyes unyielding from mine, lighting a fire deep inside me. He had been slowly dissolving the walls I had built, and that scared the hell out of me.

"Do you love me," I breathed, recalling further what Ethan had said.

He pulled away. His eyes avoided me glancing at the clock beside my bed."We should... head to the cafeteria."

"Ezra," I appealed, angling myself forwards. Heaviness building in my chest at his troubling reaction so far. He can't, can he? Not with what he knows about me. 

"You won't like my answer, and I'm not going to lie to you," he sighed.

I slowly nodded my head, a pit forming in my stomach at the unspoken confirmation. Ethan's words had merit apparently, internally I scolded myself for being oblivious to it.

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