the end or is it

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It was the next morning as Sam and dead were pulling up at the Salvatore boarding house.

They were then shown sitting with the others in the main room Elena sits with her younger brother as they lean on one another "so she's really gone"she says with tears.

Dean nods his head "yes when Sam burned her bones she was was destroyed from existence"he explains.

"Why was she so powerful as a spirit"kol asked.

"Well some spirits that die in cold blood or suicide become malevolent spirits and there anger is what gives them power like how Mandy was able to use her anger to make her spirit powers stronger."Sam explained.

"What did that man do to hurt to make her spirit that angry she really wanted to kill him"Caroline asked.

Elena and Jeremy share looks it was time they knew as Elena sighs standing up"the day that she died me and Jeremy were so busy with our own problems that we didn't think she was in danger when she kept ringing our phones I was busy with helping Bonnie while Jeremy was looking for Vickie. By the time we found her it was to late she had multiple stab wound with her guts hanging out. She's told us many times that she was being stalked but we didn't listen "Elena says as tears runs down her face as Stefan gets up hugging her.

Jemery looks at the two hunters with tears"is she at least in peace"he asked.

"We don't know "the Winchester says as the Gilberts lower there heads. Soon the Winchester wee shown driving away on to there next case.

What the Winchester didn't know was  there was a thing called the other side were supernaturals go to so with her being a spirit she's now stuck on the other side as Mandy appears as she glares at the Winchesters car they took away her revenge "one day I will return and kill the man who did this to me and so many other girls and no one will get in my way"she says coldy before disappearing.

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