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"Kael, where are we heading?" You mumbled groggily in the car, despite the somnolence that was clouding your mind, you were still sober enough to realize that this wasn't the road to your home.

Kael smiled and used his hand to reach out and caress your cheek while his other hand was gripping the steering wheel. The speed of the car was low, careful not to bump into anything since his co-workers once told him that humans are fragile creatures.

"My home," he revealed.

You tried to stay awake, but your eyelids were too heavy to stay open. In the end, you can only hum in response, hand in your pocket, ready to press on the device given by Ms. Cookie during the consultation hour you had with her before. This device, shaped like a heart keychain, is designed so that ROMANCE can locate your location once pressed. This is to ensure your safety if something were to happen between you and Kael. Just one press and ROMANCE will definitely come to you right away, she said.

However, you didn't press it. You've already decided to lower your guard down so pressing it is akin to not trusting Kael. Besides, the weeks you have spent with him were enough for you to deem him trustworthy.

It's justー you were afraid of getting too close to people; afraid that they would betray you like that person.

"Kael," in the end, you can only hope that he would be different, almost slurring as you whispered his name. "I trust you."

You don't know what expression he was making at the moment, but you heard his hum, and his gentle touch as he brushed your eyelids, encouraging you to sleep.

"Sweet dreams, (Y/n)."

The next moment you opened your eyes, you were in an unfamiliar bedroom. You don't recognize that chandelier nor do you recognize the duvet that's covering you, but when you turn around, you are surprised to see your escort lying next to you, deeply asleep. You recalled that he told you earlier that he was bringing you to his home.

You looked down at your attire and sighed in relief when you saw it was still the same clothes you wore.

Although uncomfortable, you were glad that he didn't take the initiative to strip and change you.

You were about to walk out of the bed when a pair of hands suddenly snaked from behind, holding you in place. You froze and looked down. By now, your eyes had already adjusted to the darkness, and only now did you realize that wrapped under that thick duvet was the half-naked body of your escort. The proof? The hands that wrapped around you were bare, and you could see the bulge of his muscles and the veins creeping up on his arms.

You quivered slightly, not knowing how to react.

"Where are you going?" His hoarse voice suddenly called out from behind

"Iー I wasー bathroom..."

He moved closer to you, resting his forehead against your back. "Why didn't you wake me up? It's not like you know the direction."

You didn't answer, tongue-tied.

He giggled and snuggled closer, rubbing his face against your back

You turned around to tell him to stop until your gaze caught the ethereal glow of the moonlight filtering through the window. Its gentle ray of light shone on him.

As the soft rays of moonlight caressed his skin, an unexpected sight unfolded before you; on his skin littered scars and bruisesーno doubtーfrom his past experiences with his clients. The scars, like haunting whispers from the past, crisscrossed his flesh. Each mark told a story, a testament to the depths of his masochistic journey. The bruises, painted in hues of purple and blue, marred his body, a vivid reminder of the physical toll he willingly endured.

Your eyes traced the contours of his form, the delicate intricacies of the wounds etched upon him.

"Does it hurt?"

He seemed confused at first but visibly frozen when he realized what you were talking about, though it didn't last for long as he gradually melted under your touch when you moved your fingers to trace his old injuries. You frowned bitterly, concerned for his well-being and mental health.

"As I thought, I don't get it."

 It was difficult to fathom why someone would willingly seek out pain as a source of pleasure. Your heart ached with a tinge of sorrow, unable to fully comprehend the depths of his masochistic desires.

And Kael, as if understood your gaze, gradually curled up the edge of his mouth into a smile. He turned around, giving you a clear view of his front which was littered with more scars and bruises. He took your hands gently, slowly guiding it to his neck. You furrowed your eyes in confusion at his action.

"It doesn't hurt," he replied, though strangely, the tone he used was one would usually use when encouraging the other.

It took you a while to understand what he meant. When you did, you were visibly shaken by what he was implying.

"Iー I can'tー"

"Try it, sweetheart." He coaxed you gently, like a sweet flower filled with poisonous nectar, tempting yet dangerous. "Don't you want to understand me?"

He then pressed your hands against his throat, encouraging you to squeeze his delicate neck. Your breath hitched when you saw his sultry smile under you, the light from the moon made him extra beautiful in your eyes, and it didn't help that a strange thrill went through your bodyーa realization that you held a newfound power within your grasp when this man willingly submitted under you.

With a mix of apprehension and growing confidence, you tightened your grip, feeling the pressure against his neck. As you observed his expression, a pleasurable sigh escaped his lips. You found yourself captivated by the complex expression he was making. His groan danced between pleasure and pain.

As you continued to squeeze, your own emotions began to shift. The sight of his pleasure, the surrender in his eyes, stirred within you a growing sense of something. Your heart thumped inーfear or excitement?ーyou don't know. What you do know though is that it scared you. 

"It's fine," he managed to choke it out, hands moving to caress your face which was towering above him. His gentle touch soothed you. "It feels good."

In that intimate exchange, you gradually began to comprehend the emotions that once perplexed youーthe feelings of his previous partners who willingly hurt him, and the words that strange woman uttered to you. A gradual understanding washed over you, a recognition that pain, when consensual and explored within the realms of trust, could be a pathway to deeper connections and profound intimacy.

You quickly pulled away when you realized that his face started to lose its color.

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