My Love, My Life

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"So... Donna dumped two gods and both came back for her only to be rejected cause she had moved on to Poseidon?" Annabeth smirked enjoying the other's discomfort, for once agreeing with Aphrodite in this being entertaining. 

"Yes! My legacy!" The goddess of love squealed.

"You're not drinking." Rosie noticed.

"She's thinking about her man." Tanya teased. 

"Which one?" The joke earned a laugh from Rosie and Tanya until they noticed Donna wasn't laughing. 

"Oh, yeah, that's the big question."

"When do you leave?" The woman Sophia asked. 

"Tomorrow all of us-" Tanya started only to be cut off by Donna herself. 

"All of us except me," Donna said, looking at her two shocked friends. 

"You don't have to leave. That farmhouse on the hill you're sleeping in, who you think own it? I do. Me. I know it's run down but my son is no help. He put all his energy into that horrible band.-"

"They're a great band" Donna assured. 

"Your ears are cloth. But, uh, if you live there and make it beautiful... You can stay for free." The kind elderly woman said, smiling at the lively girl. 

"Donna seriously, don't," Tanya begged. 

"There is a whole world out there." Rosie agreed. 

"There's one right here. I'd love to stay. I'd love nothing more. And I could do amazing things with it. Maybe one day it could be a hotel. It could be incredible... But you hardly know me." Donna said looking at Sophia. 

"Because I judge a person's heart by the way they treat animal. And you are kind to hector, my horse. And my son, who is also animal."

"I'm overwhelmed. I don't know- I'm sorry." Before she could stop, they saw Donna's face go green and she ran to the bathroom retching. 

The scenes switched and months had passed and as Donna turned the assembly could see the big swollen belly she was carrying.

"SHE'S PREGNANT!?!?" Travis gasped, for a moment getting too lost in the story to remember why they were there in the first place. 

Sophie laughed, breaking the tension as Travis flushed, realizing how stupid he sounded. 

They watched as Donna struggled through birth with no one but Sophia to help her. 

Apollo, Poseidon, and Hermes watched with fascination as the baby Sophie was handed to her mother for the first time. 

Donna sobbed holding Sophie close and loving her more than anything in the world from the first moment they met. 

"Yeah, all that was fine and good. Who's her father?" Athena asked. She gained no hint from the film other than Apollo had the most frequent sex with Donna. 

"She's fast and has blonde hair so probably Hermes right?" Percy asked almost begging. 

"Yeah, but she has a beautiful singing voice and blond hair could mean Apollo too!" Nico added on. 

"She could have gotten those from her mother. She's always really good in boats and the pegasi love her, maybe she's Poseidon's." Will said.  

The gods themselves sat quietly watching waiting for the reveal. 

Aphrodite smiled looking at the screen as if she knew something the other's didn't. 

Donna smiled, carrying baby Sophie into the church to be christened. The music started again as she gazed down at the bundle in her arms. 

"I've never felt this strong. I am invincible, how could this go wrong? No, here, here's where we belong. I see a road ahead. I never thought I would dare to tread...Like an image passing by, my love, my life. In the mirror of your eyes, my love, my life... I can see it all so clearly. All I love so dearly. Images passing by, Like reflections of your mind, my love, my life. Are the words I try to find, my love, my life. But I know I don't possess you...With all my heart, God bless you. You will be my love and my life. You're my one and only..."

Sophie's eyes grew teary as she watched her mother sing to her. 

Her mother was her biggest supporter, her best friend. No matter who her father was, Sophie loved her mother dearly. 

"I held you close to me. Felt your heartbeat and I thought I am free. Oh, yes and as one are we. In the now and beyond. Nothing and no one can break this bond. Like an image passing by, my love, my life. In the mirror of your eyes, my love, my life. I can see it all so clearly. All I love so dearly. Images passing by... 

Sophie couldn't help it, though she knew she'd be embarrassed after the fact, she began singing along with her mother, "Like reflections of your mind, my love, my life. Are the words I try to find, my love, my life. But I know I don't possess you. With all my heart, God bless you. You are still my love and my life. Yes, I know don't possess you. With all my heart, God bless you. You are still my love and my life... You're my one and only!" 

Tears streamed down her face as those around her looked in awe. 

Her voice was so beautiful, her song so raw and real. 

Donna sat by the water, Sophie sleeping in her arms as she breathed in the salty sea air. 

"She's beautiful... your daughter." A woman spoke startling Donna slightly. 

"Oh! I'm sorry I didn't see you... Yes, she's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." Donna smiled allowing the strange woman to sit next to her. 

"All mothers think that. I know I certainly did." The kind woman smiled reaching a handout and allowed Sophie to grasp her fingers. 

"You're a mother?" Donna asked, glancing at the young-looking mother. 

"To twins, a boy and a girl... I'm a grandmother too if you'd believe it... We have much to discuss Donna."

"How do you know my name?" Donna asked, trying to find out if she had met the woman before.

"My name is Leto, I am the Titaness of motherhood... I am the grandmother of this precious being... Like I said we have much to discuss." Leto smiled softly. 

"MOTHER?!" Apollo and Artemis gasped the moment she walked on screen. 

"Which means- YES!!!!" Percy jumped for joy, cheering that his first kiss was not with his sister. 

Connor Stoll was in a similar situation praising every god that his crush was not his sister either. 

Apollo stared at Sophie in awe, the product of a love he never forgot, of a woman he never fully let go of. The child of a Demigod who brought three Olympians to their knees. Apollo smiled, seeing the perfect fusion of Donna and himself in gorgeous Sophie. 

Right above Sophie's head without a thought appeared the Symbol of Apollo, finally after years of waiting, she was claimed. Tears streamed down the girl's face, years of anger and resentment fading as a golden glow hovered above her head. 

"Congratulations, sister." Will smiled, hugging his friend-turned-sibling.

Zeus announced it, seeing as no one else would, "Hail, Sophie Sheridan, Daughter of Apollo, God of the Sun, archery, music and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases, light and poetry. Legacy of the Goddess Venus, goddess of love and beauty." 

Sophie Sheridan had finally been claimed. 

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