Chapter 11 - Coraline

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È una bambina però sente

Come un peso e prima o poi si spezzerà

E la gente dirà: "Non vale niente.

Non riesce neanche a uscire da una misera porta."

Ma un giorno, una volta lei ci riuscirà


Stiles stared at the woods blankly, still clenching her keys in her hands after slamming the door of her jeep closed.

She had dropped Void home after leaving Scott's workplace, a nervous lump forming in her throat the closer she got to Derek's house, the hazy memory of running through the dark woods feeling the Alpha all but nipping at her heels making Stiles nearly empty her stomach on the passenger's seat, but she had to.

It wasn't like she truly believed she'd leave that world unscathed or with clean hands, that she wouldn't have to see some really fucked up shit- She knew she would, despite her best wishes not to taint that body not hers.

(A familiar voice cooed mockingly at her stubbornness. She ignored it.)

Still, for all the expectation, it still hadn't prepared her for the situation.

No, she wasn't naive enough to think she'd never deal with blood, but Stiles hadn't been ready for the brutality of it.

That was her mistake. The belief that she'd only deal with what Stiles had. That others would treat her as her male counterpart, still terrible at times, yes, but with the permanent fixture of being human.

Something she was not.

Scott wouldn't be the only one the Argents would, one day, keep an eye on. Scott wasn't the only one Peter would target. Scott wasn't the only one who'd deal with the bloodthirst, or with Alphas and violent beasts.

Scott wasn't the only werewolf.

Stiles didn't think it had really dawned on her as it did as she parked the car, ready to meet Derek and follow the trail back to where she had seen Peter, that she was there.

She was a werewolf.

A damn werewolf, in a TV Show.

She was.

How long had it been again? Nearly three weeks?

Three weeks where she'd wake up day after day with memories she shouldn't have, knowing things she shouldn't know; like the fact that Stiles' first kiss had been with Scott when they were eleven and had made a pact of marrying each other if neither were married with their celebrity crushes by the time they were twenty. Or the fact that Claudia Stilinski was a terrible cook and had a quick tongue whenever her daughter or husband made fun of the charred aftertaste.

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