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"I can't believe your dating our biology professor " Tay says out loud in the canteen

"Can you just shut up!!!, if anyone hears its going to be a drama" i say now closing Tay's mouth with my hand not allowing him to breathe it was a petty revenge I guess and Ismael just laughed seeing Tay's overacting
"I'm sorry...." Tay mumble with my hand covering his mouth and I still didn't listen my hold "and if you don't remove your hand I'm going to lick it" Tay says  now looking at me

"Eww don't you dare do that " I say and remove my hands almost immediately

"Hehe I win" Tay says now flipping his finger and I just do the same

No one in our school knew that I was dating our biology teacher  a.k.a Maxeul Norman but there was a thrill in meeting him during lunch ours, he used to sit in his class and I used to hangout there sometime I used to sit in one of the benches staring at him doing his work and signing his papers,i didnt understand why he had so much work as he was a substitute teacher but then he later told that it was his family business he was looking after

Today also I went to his class and it was empty he wasn't there so I just sat in his desk waiting  for him after looking at his pen and the things he had at his desk, he was more busy than most of the teachers and as he told it must have been something to do with his brother and  I roll the pen in his desk waiting for him....

Slowly someone opens the door and I just jolt and hide under his desk and as it was a women's voice
I could hear two people coming inside and talking they were talking about the exam schedule one of them was Maxeul and the other I guess was Mrs Queen ,
I didn't know what to do so I just stayed silent and hid getting scared that if I would be caught it will result in too much trouble Maxeul came to his desk and sat down and Ms Queen still in front of the desknot knowing my existence in the room. Maxeul saw me and was shocked by me hiding now I was sitting at the floor in between his legs I just did an awkward
"Hi!!" and he just looked amused and shocked by me

"Mr Maxeul what are you thinking about??"Mrs Queen asks looking at him as he stops talking

"Oh nothing" he says and continues talking with her I was feeling uncomfortable cause they were talking for a long time and now I had missed my  next class  and I was not interested so I slowly put my hands on Maxeuls thigh caressing it slowly teasing him, he looked at me and I knew he was now pissed and I liked irritating him

"Tell her to go I'm uncomfortable"I mouth the words to him but he just smirks at me
He slowly pulls his chair at little backward and I sit more comfortably cause it was cramped  up he now removes his shoes and puts his feet in between my legs
I gasp slowly knowing what is happening he is teasing me back

I tried to pull his leg away I tried to push it but it just didn't budge

"Don't do it "I mouth as I knew I couldn't handel it now and would end up moaning loudly but he just had an evil grin at his face he slowly pulled his chair front and now his feet wet in between my legs and I could feel my dick harden at his touch his leg slowly started rubbing against my member and he pressed it 
I was  holding onto my mouth to not let a sound out at his actions and he didn't  stop he continued stroking  my member and his strokes became more and more strong ,rough
I was scared that Mrs Queen would find out about it and I would be in a lot of trouble and I could slowly feel tears falling down my face and when he bends  down acting like to pick something  he looks at me, a crying mess he removes his foot from my legs and tells Mrs Queen that he will discuss about it tommorow and she leaves the class

He slowly pulls his chair back
"Now come up baby" he says in a monotone sound and I slowly get up from under the table
"I t-told yo-you to s-stop d-didnt I" I say inbetween my cries and he just pulls me into a hug kissing my cheeks and wiping the tears falling down my face

"You just looked so cute and I couldn't stop myself"  he says pulling me into a hug

"But seeing you cry, makes me more horny" he says now chuckling against me I stop crying and now hit his chest with my arm as my cheeks start feeling hot due to embarrasment

"I'll never come to meet you during lunch" I say pouting

"No baby I'm sorry, I only tease you at home okay??"  Maxeul asks cupping my cheeks he knows I can't be angry at him

"I hate you now my pant also looks spoiled "I say now trying to clean the stain that happened because of him

"I have another spare, it might not fit you perfectly but you can use it love"  he says still rubbing my face
"You look pretty when you cry"he says and I just smack his hand and go and pull the drawer taking his pants

"Pervert" I say changing my pants and turning to leave the class

"This pervert loves you baby come anytime you want"he says now teasing me

"I hate you too" I say now closing the classroom behind as I heard Maxeul chuckle at that

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