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Josie got ready in some comfortable leggings that would allow her to be flexible when fighting, she threw on a sports bra and they were out the door.

Josie made sure to keep her temperature close to that of a wolf shifters to keep warm as they headed out.

Hope was dressed in a long sleeved onesie and some sweat pants, she had a blanket around her and a beanie in her diaper bag if she wanted them.

Josie and Rosalie pulled up to the clearing, making sure to keep a space open for Emmett's jeep which Edward would be driving Bella in.


They arrived at the clearing and sat the camping chair on the ground in the clearing.

Rosalie sat down and was handed Hope who instantly cuddled up to her Mama's shoulder resting her head.

Rosalie smiled at the baby.

Josie got to talking to Jasper about fighting styles and tactics.

Having been the only other member of the coven with any type of battle experience.

She was a black belt in many martial arts types for a reason.

She had a lot of medals from competitions where she won or placed.


(The eerie silence contrasts the previous scene's noise. It's a large field surrounded by dense forest. The mist is heavy; it's overcast, grey. Suddenly, the quiet is broken by --)

(EMMETT BEING FLUNG THROUGH THE AIR, FLAILING IN SLOW MOTION. He lands HARD on his back, but immediately springs up to face Jasper, the person who threw him.)

Emmett: Again.

(INCLUDE Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Caroline, Josie, and Rosalie who watch them spar.)

(ANGLE ON ARRIVING Volvo – as it skids to a halt next to Jasper's Jeep. Edward and Bella climb out, head into the field together. Halfway across, Edward stops.)

"They're here." Edward said.

"I can sense about eight of them." Josie said quietly making her family look at each other warily.

(ON THE TREELINE – from out of the mist skulk EIGHT GIANT WOLVES, as wary and on-edge as the Cullens are. Emmett recognizes Paul-wolf; their eyes meet, both itching for a rematch.)

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms." Edward said.

"They came. That's what matters." Carlisle said.

(Bella sees the RED-BROWN WOLF as it turns toward her.)

"Jake..." Bella said. The two having made up when he gave her the bracelet for her graduation day gift.

She fiddled with the bracelet.

(He seems to almost smile, tongue lolling. A sharp look from Sam-wolf gets Jacob-wolf to focus.)

"Will you translate?" Carlisle asked Edward.
(Edward nods. Carlisle moves slowly towards their pack. Sam-wolf, the biggest and blackest steps forward.)

"Hey, Jake. Welcome." Edward said.

"Jasper has experience with newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them." Carlisle went on to explain what would be happening to the wolves not in the know.

"They want to know how the 'newborns' differ from us." Edward said.

"They're a great deal stronger than us, because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful... ... than in our first several months of this life." Carlisle explained.

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