1. hey, Stalker!

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A/n: hey! A lot of you have already read this on Instagram but Wattpad version is slightly different. Like just some minor changes and additional chapters. So if you want to re-read it again, you can. I'm sure you'll enjoy it more here.

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As soon as my body dropped on the bed, it bounced beneath my weight, the pressure building inside my chest was palpable.

I breathed out a heavy and low breath. The ceiling in my vision as I could feel my body equally giving up, this was too much. I couldn't handle it anymore, my body couldn't take it. 


I was talking about college, as if I had time to even indulge into any other activities where my breath got hitched. But luckily, I got myself a new hobby. Even though my life had been treating me like a bitch step mom, I had found my present gifted by a fairy godmother. 

Time for some sightseeing! 

Getting up from my bed and sitting on the floor next to my window, I reached my hands to slide the curtain a little to my left. 

"How can you be this beautiful? You gotta be kidding me," adjusting my elbows on the rim of my window, I tightened my grip on the binoculars. 

He was standing in front of his window, naked, okay, half-naked. 

And every time he was lifting those dumbbells, huge mountains appeared on his arms. 

Correction: not mountains, but yeah huge to crush my face completely. 

With a body like that and an extraordinarily beautiful face, long hairs, brown and fluffy covering his forehead, he could have a lot of stalkers. 

I'm that stalker, Kim Y/n, currently in the last year of medical school, and an experienced stalker of Jeon Jungkook. My face twitched, a smile touching my lips when he shifted the curtain to the side and removed the very last hindrance out of my perfect view of the day. 

Oh my god! 

I focused my binoculars on his hand, vibrant ink covering his honey skin. My lips twitched and I was already smiling, wondering how those arms would look holding me. Totally wonderful. 

Slowly I was moving towards his face and trust me it was a blessing to see a guy this hot working out through my window.

It was the second most amazing thing that happened in my life, the first one was getting into medical school obviously. At least that's what I believe. 

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