Chapter 35

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"Irene you don't need to do anything, it's just a minor scratch" Xander said bored when Katherine came back with some herbs.

She grinded them with the help of some stones and stretched a hand towards him.

Xander looked at her hand confused.

Not feeling his hand on hers she looked at him from the herb paste she has made.

"Your hand" she said annoyed when he showed no movement.

He put his hand in hers and she started applying the herbs on the wound. It was a huge gash but it will luckily not leave a scar.

While applying the herbs Katherine's mind was wandering somewhere else. She thought if this is the maniac who can wipe an huge army alone with out getting a little scratch, then how did he got this gash when there were just a dozen of men this time.

She briefly glanced at him from time to time to see his reaction, this person was weird in her eyes, dispite being rude to him several times yet he just sticks with her.

"Done" she said after wrapping the wound so it doesn't get infected by dust.

She stood up to go but Xander caught her hand and pulled her beside him.

"Is this how you treat your savior?" he asked in a cocky voice.

Katherine looked at him uninterested "What do you want me to do?"

He pointed towards his cheek, she looked at him bewildered as to what he wants.

"What?!" she asked.

"Kiss me" he said so casualy like he was talking about the weather.

She glared at him but he didn't budge.

"I will not let you go until you repay the favor" he said with a smirk.

Put in a difficult situation she can do nothing but compile towards him because she knew, if he will not let her go she can't get out of here and you can't also use magic here.

She leaned forward to kiss him on the cheek but at the last moment he moved his head and their lips met. Katherine was in shock and wanted to back away but he held her head with his right hand and her waist with his left hand as he deepened the kiss.

Her mind became blank as she can't think of anything. After a little time he pulled away smiling like a fool. Katherine's face was burning red as she took in what just happened.

Xander laughed at her bewildered state and rubbed her back to sooth her.

When she was fine he asked "So how were you able to pull off a spell here"

She looked at him and said nothing.

"Even the legendary spirit familiars can't enter here so how were you able to do that" he asked again, he knew that there was more about this girl then what meets the eye.

"They both can enter" she said .

"So why didn't they came to save you" he replied nonchalantly.

"Luna is with Holly"

"Oh, that girl you always hang out with,I wonder why she needs so much protection as you kept your familiar to guard her"

Katherine's face dropped, it was because she can't guard her other friend, even though it seemed she is in no danger but she still died and she is afraid to lose Holly, but of course she will not tell him that.

"And if I am right, Del has gone to find someone"

At these words Katherine again looked at him with a face that said 'How do you know?'

He chuckled, she is keeping her guard down a bit as now he can figure out a little bit of what she is thinking, it was a progress.

"You still didn't answer my question?"

"How were you able to pull off that spell here?"

"I never pulled off any spell, you should know that darkness runs in my veins, I just enveloped the light with it for some time" she replied as she knew that saying nothing with not get her anywhere.

"So when they got the light escense your darkness became numb so you can't envelope the light again" he nodded getting everything.

Seeing that he was satisfied she tried to stand up but was pulled down again. Xander took out something from his pocket and clasped it around her neck, it was a small locket.

"Irene, you should not lose it or put it away okay otherwise I will misunderstood that something happened to you and then the world will have to suffer because of it but more than that you will have to suffer" he said in a sweet voice.

"Prince Reins, are you threatening me" she asked.

"No it's just a warning"

"What if I didn't compile with you, Prince Reins" she asked, well she was testing the waters.



"It's Xander for you" he said.

"Prince-" before she could continue her lips were sealed by his.

"What are you-"

"Now whenever you will not call my name I will do this, so say it"

Katherine looked at him like he has lost it but still said "Xander"

"Now that's better"

"Now sleep" he said pulling her into his lap and putting her head on his shoulder.


"ssh, sleep we will got out after you have taken a proper rest" he stopped her.

Soon fatigue engulfed her and she fell asleep.

Xander looked at her face and pushed a strand of her  hair behind her ear. He was a little angry that she has let her guard down in front of him and fallen asleep but he was little happy to because it was him around whom she was so defenceless.

Well,she is defenceless around everyone even with her guard up because even though she might have read about the cruel things in the world but she was still unaware of many things that might happen to her.

He sighed as he looked at her again, her beautiful face,just looking at her wants him to commit a sin but he has restrain him self.

Staring at her he also fell asleep, he was not exactly asleep but just resting with his eyes close.

Even if they were in a hidden part of the forest but they he can't be sure that no one will attack them here.

Villainess? well, who cares......not me. जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें