~Chapter 66~

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~ 3 months later~

Months passed like anything.
Raaghav and Vaidehi had truly embarked on the new journey, discovering new aspects of the beautiful journey that they were in.

Raaghav handled everything delicately.
Morning sickness was a thing, but Raaghav was amused how efficiently Vaidehi would handle it.

There wasn't any cribbing. They were happily handling all the new's that they were encountering, may that be the morning sickness, the mood swings, the constipation problem, the nausea-vomiting, late night food cravings, each other's horniness,or cuddling each other to sleep.

One fine day, Raaghav returned back early from office, he had bought her the carrot cake, that she asked him to get.
As he entered inside the garden, he saw, something that haulted his steps.

Randhir was walking Vaidehi around, softly as he himself took those aged steps.Vaidehi looked beautiful,the serene glow on her face, and the little baby bump that was clearly visible.
They both were giggling and smiling.

Yes, it was true, Randhir would take great care of Vaidehi. He would take her out for walks, make her smile with little acts of his, in fact, it was he who would even water her plants for her.
Raaghav softened looking at them.
He took a deep breath, as he walked towards them both.
Vaidehi gave a broad smile as she saw Raaghav approached.
"Raaghav aap cake laye hai na? ", Vaidehi questioned promptly as he got settled down near her feet, while she sat on the bench beside Randhir.
Raaghav faced Vaidehi with an apologetic look, but just as her mood was about to turn sour, he shoved the pack with the piece of cake towards her.
He slightly chuckled as he saw the instant change of expression. The shine in her eyes was something else only.
("Raaghav,did you get the cake? ")

Randhir thought it was apt from him to give the couple the privacy, so he was about to get up to leave when Raaghav forwarded a packed cup towards him.
It contained mixed fruit Shrikhand.
Randhir looked towards Raaghav, who was busy looking at everything around.
Randhir softly took the cup in his aged hands. This was it. Raaghav always used to care for Randhir behind the curtains, but he just couldn't get himself to say that in front.
Vaidehi watched the father-son duo with affection as she devoured her cake. She had seen them both turn more expressive towards each other in the past few months.

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~Later at night~

Vaidehi and Raaghav had their dinner. They were currently in their room. In each other's embrace, as Vaidehi was consuming the bran muffins.
Once she was done, Vaidehi wiped her hands on Raaghav's shirt as she pecked his nose.
Raaghav smiled at her antics.
"Raa.. I was thinking.. " She was bit confused on how to put her thoughts out.
"Kya hai jaan? ", he asked as he held her on his lap. (" What is it jaan? ")
" Raa.. I thought over this, for a while now. I feel, it's time that we should inform the family.
Raa.. I have seen the guilt that Ranawat's are going through. You yourself know, how Abhi bhai still sends those sorry notes, letters and tulips to me till date.

Frankly, no I can't get myself to forgive them till date, but.. I.. I don't want to deprive them of the good news. I don't want to deprive them from being a part of our happiness.
Moreover I think, that, our baby should receive the love from our families, if they want to shower that.
We both are enough.
But, I don't want to deprive our baby of family's love, knowing the fact that the family,themselves would want to be a part of the happiness. "Vaidehi tried finding the apt words to put it forward.
Raaghav listened to her carefully. He understood what she was implying towards.
" I understand. And I know you are right!
I'll call the Ranawat's and those from the Yaduvanshi's who would be genuinely happy. We'll announce it to them, soon! ", he said as he pecked her forehead.

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