Chapter Four

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The news about the second interview wasn't all that shocking to Annie, considering it was part of the very beginning of the manga. She remembered those parts vividly, although unfortunately for her... she didn't really remember what chapter she had gotten to either. She'd probably begin figuring things out as they go. As of right now, Loid was doing Frankie's makeup to make him appear as if he was female. As one might think, it wasn't going very well. Frankie was too masculine-looking. One part of the manga she didn't quite understand was the fact that Frankie often struck out with women, which she didn't get. Especially now, since she's seeing him. Frankie, although not nearly as handsome as Loid, or even Yuri, wasn't bad looking. She turned her attention back to the scene at hand.

"No, this won't do." Loid stated, causing Frankie to become annoyed. Reasonably so, he basically said he was unable to make him appear feminine.

"I don't want this mama." Anya said, gaining the attention of everyone in the room, and causing Frankie to become even more upset. Annie decided now was a good time to butt in, before someone said something worse.

"I don't think you can pull off the mother role, Frankie." Loid explained, cutting Annie off before she could say anything.

"With all your talent for disguise, THIS was all you could come up with? Really?!" Frankie said, irritated.

"There's only so much I can do with that body type." Loid responded, turning and going to sit on the lounge chair.

"Frankie, don't take it personally." Annie said, finally able to get a word in. "You're just too masculine to appear feminine." This seemed to cheer Frankie up, as his expression softened. He then nodded in response and headed out, he probably had somewhere to be.

"There's no way around it then..." Loid started, gaining Annie and Anya's attention. "I'll go find a wife." they walked over and sat down with him, talking about what they were going to do, Loid then made a phone call to Frankie.

A few hours later, Frankie came in with a bunch of papers. These were undoubtedly the files of every woman within Berlint. Which, honestly... Was creepy, but you do what you gotta do, right? Loid was flipping through pages while Annie and Anya studied at the dining room table. Eventually, Anya hopped down off the dining chair and ran over to stand just in front of the lounge chair.

"Did you find a mama?" She asked, curiously. She was reasonably impatient, she was a young child, and was eager to continue on with the mission. This had always been the case, all throughout the manga. Unfortunately, Anya is too young and still doesn't quite grasp the reality of the situation. This is how she ends up getting herself into trouble so often.

"Not yet. This isn't easy." Loid responded, looking at Anya with an exhausted look in his eyes. Annie couldn't help but feel bad for him, the change in every day routine was probably taking a bit of a toll on him. He no longer could simply sleep whenever he crashed, etc. He had to appear as if he operates like a normal person.

"It's going to be scruffy head?!" Anya cried out, almost in horror. Just at that moment, almost like he was summoned, Frankie kicked the door open; mostly because nobody had come open the door for him. When Annie noticed, she ran over and took some of the papers out of his hands.

"I'm so sorry, Frankie!" She exclaimed, carrying the files over to Loid. "I didn't even hear you knocking!"

"It's fine... Don't worry about it." Frankie began, and then turned to Loid as he walked over. "So you need a woman that's refined enough for Eden Academy... Who doesn't care that you're divorced with two children... a teenager and a toddler... and who's willing to get married in 48 hours?" Loid looked up in response, realizing just how big of an ask this situation was. "If such a goddess exists... I'd love to meet her." Frankie stated, finally placing the pile of files onto the coffee table. Annie following suite.

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