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Little did Phoebe know, as this scene unfolded Aaron watched from the front window, rubbing his hands together like an evil genius. He had purposefully flaked on driving Phoebe home because he knew that, if he was correct in thinking Regina liked Phoebe, she would give her a ride. And low and behold: he was right. He grinned as Phoebe approached the door, Regina behind her cringing at herself. She must REALLY like her, he thought to himself; Regina was almost never embarrassed or flustered the whole time they had been dating. As Phoebe unlocked the front door, Aaron quickly settled back onto the couch and grabbed the closest thing to him, which happened to be a book. He pretended to read it as Phoebe entered the room.

"Hey, I'm home! Wait, so this is why you flaked on a ride: to read a... book? I don't think I've ever seen you touch a book before." Phoebe scoffed at her older brother. He just grinned at her.
"Sooo... I see Regina gave you a ride?" He smirked.
Phoebe blushed, then rolled her eyes, "Yeah, she was just being polite since somebody decided to flake out."
"Regina? Polite?" Aaron snickered. "God, Pheebs, you're so dense. Regina isn't polite. She totally likes you." He teased.
Phoebe just rolled her eyes, getting flustered. "Ugh, as if." She replied, then headed to her room.

As she was walking up the stairs, out of view of Aaron, she grinned to herself. Was he right, did Regina like her? No way, she shook her head, she was just being polite, that's all! Don't get your hopes up!

Later on, at dinner, Phoebe and Aaron's mom asked them about their day. It was just them three, though their mom usually worked late hours at her job, so it was a surprise that she was home in time for dinner.
"It was good, normal."
"And, tell her about detention." Aaron urged. Phoebe had chosen not to mention her after school detentions to her mom, knowing she'd be mad.
"Deletion? What?" Her mother asked. Phoebe shot her brother a glare. He just smiled back smugly.
"Well, yeah." Phoebe stuttered. "Regina and I got into a little disagreement and Mr Duvall made us go to after school detention this whole week."
"Please, a little disagreement? Regina tackled you!" Aaron exclaimed.
"Wait, Regina as in your Regina?" Their mom said, turning to Aaron. Phoebe scowled, ugh, his Regina. "She seemed nice though! I little stuck up, but nice."
"Yeah, well she's not nice! She's an evil stuck up Plastic who Aaron thinks likes me but she most certainly does not!"
"Okay..." Phoebe's mom trailed off, grinning suspiciously. Her and Aaron shared a knowing look: Phoebe obviously had some bottled up feelings for the blonde.


The next day at school, Phoebe ran into Regina in the halls before class. "Hi!" Regina said, smiling sweetly.
"Hi?" Phoebe responded, confused.
"I'll see you in PE later?" Regina asked sincerely.
"Yep!" Phoebe responded, smiling. Regina then walked away, giving Phoebe a wave.

"Whoa, what was that?" Janis asked as she approached Phoebe.
"I don't know, she's just being nice."
"Oh, you better watch your back! She must be plotting something."
Phoebe hadn't told Janis about the conversation her and Regina had as Regina drove her home; it had left her confused and she thought it would be better if she didn't mention it, as Janis would have twisted it somehow to make it seem like Regina was being malicious. Just then, the bell rang and Phoebe headed with Janis to their first class, which they shared.


Phoebe watched as the minutes ticked by, waiting for the bell to ring and signal it was time for PE class. Honestly, she was excited for that class now; the more she thought about her and Regina's conversation in the car, the more she believed that there was a possibility that maybe Regina liked her back. Regina seemed to care how Phoebe would have felt if she was a lesbian, and why else would she care unless she liked her - either as a friend or as a crush. This was definitely a development in their relationship, as Regina obviously thought highly enough of her to trust in talking about this topic.

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